It's all in your point of view...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
From "I can has cheesburger":

It's all in your point of view...
And we definitely have a lot of them here on MT. But, that is why it is so darn addicting.

That's just one more coolness point for Bill for being the other MT member who does a daily check of ICHC. :D

*Hi five*
If there were more cat lovers in the world there'd be a lot less dying.

Sometimes it seems watching my cat play in the breezeway is the only thing that gives me hope and/or peace in this rotten, dying world.
If there were more cat lovers in the world there'd be a lot less dying.

Sometimes it seems watching my cat play in the breezeway is the only thing that gives me hope and/or peace in this rotten, dying world.
Hey, cats are good. I just happen to be into the dog thing right now. But they are about as big as a medium cat.