Apparently, he's referring to a) the way that even semi-leftists like John Kerry tend to see the world as a complex place of shifting motives and multiple histories, one that's poorly understood in terms of dimwit political slogans and hysterical rants from talk-show hosts--oh wait, that would mean that lefty types see complexities rather than simple truths, or b) lefties tend to have a bad habit of being right about conflicts like Vietnam on several different levels...oh wait, that doesn't fit either, or c) the way that many of us--including Bill Clinton--grew up without a lot of money, worked in real jobs, and struggled without big bucks to get our educations without daddy's money and connections, in ways that left (joke, get it?) us far better equipped to discuss reality, one is hopelessly confused.
OK, am confused. Personally, this writer suspects that if this country keeps throwing its weight around and blowing our historical advantages like a drunk sailor on leaved in Manila Bay circa 1954, sooner or later, we're going to regret it pretty seriously. Oh wait...
Am very confused. This particular leftist has a nasty habit of looking pretty squarely at the toll in actual human lives that our militarism and our capitalism know, embarassing realities like our increasing workweek, or dropping actual income, or inferior literacy rates, the millions of abused/hungry/ill-educated children in the richest country on earth, the growing sense of anger and disconnection in our society. Then, just as bad, those out-of-touch leftists seem to know a helluva lot more about work, working people, and American history that folks who proudly announce that they don't need to look up no stinking facts...
Oh, and while we leftists are busily avoiding the hard realities of reality--will we be dealing with North Korea any time soon? taking steps to actually fix our educational system rather than just coming up with new unfunded mandates? doing anything real to protect workers and their families, or just spouting moralistic homilies? handling minor issues like ecological damage?
Try reading E.P. Thompson, "Making of the English Working Class." Or those, "History of Everyday Life," books. Find out something about your ACTUAL history, and what's actually going on in the modern world. Really, relying on Rush Limbaugh for your intellectual material...
No, didn't think so. Much better to spout right-wing slogans that would've had Barry Goldwater smacking everybody with a blivet...
Yes, one knows. The writer's being snooty. He expects that people understand that knowledge--as the martial arts, or Giles on "Buffy," or even "Highlander 3," will tell you, is hard-won, complicated, and all that other leftist stuff.
We are not the guys who lied to you about this nifty little unnecessary war, you know.