Is your Job on this List, if So you are Lucky

I handle the human body all day as a nurse, but I guess needles, suppositories and catheters aren't alluring. Oh, well....:rolleyes:
You know, rock godess sounds fun, now that you brought it up.:ubercool:
Originally posted by Jill666
I handle the human body all day as a nurse, but I guess needles, suppositories and catheters aren't alluring. Oh, well....:rolleyes:

Awww, c'mon. Every warm blooded male has nurse fantasies.
Hence the terms:

1) Naughty Nurse
2) Helloooooooooo Nurse
3) Head Nurse

Okay, number three isn't popular for sexual reasons .. but it is
with me! :D

My wife is a post pardum nurse. She doesn't play the fantasie
well, she keeps wanting to check my epiziotomy cut and give
me a sids bath :shrug:
Originally posted by Kirk
Awww, c'mon. Every warm blooded male has nurse fantasies.
Hence the terms:

1) Naughty Nurse
2) Helloooooooooo Nurse
3) Head Nurse

Okay, number three isn't popular for sexual reasons .. but it is
with me! :D

My wife is a post pardum nurse. She doesn't play the fantasie
well, she keeps wanting to check my epiziotomy cut and give
me a sids bath :shrug:

Nope, I have three nurses living below me and that has put me off them for life!!! Although speaking of nurses there is a aroebics class right before my Kali class that I was thinking of joining....34 beautiful scantily clad women and that one stupid Male who got the idea before me :shrug:
When I was working psych in the early 90's, ripped jeans were in. A co-worker, Nancy (who was actually quite shy) wore a pair to work. A manic patient started in on her "She's a head nurse! Look at her knees!" We poor Nancy turned red, and we were all in hysterics.

Thanks Kirk, I'd forgotten all about that.

5. Rock God/Goddess

The Job: Your mission is to front a band of international fame, ooze sex appeal from every pore, please legions of zealous groupies and ensure skintight leather pants never go out of style.

Qualifications: Though it may not seem like it, talent is a requirement -- unless your father is Ozzy Osbourne. Although many successful artists formally study music, this is not necessary -- look at Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Notes: Getting a recording contract at a major label is about as easy as ascending to the throne of Norway -- unless you're an Osbourne or Jennifer Love Hewitt.
