Is this dodgy looking or not?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aleem
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Hello everyone,

I don't know who this Matt Furey fella' is, I'll research him later but ... what do you think of his main selling point?

"Three Magic Exercises!"

How one pushup, one squat and a "forbidden" exercise will get you into the best shape of your life. Watch the pounds fly off. See the muscles come to life. Feel the new-found spring in your step.

The claims look a little bit dodgy to me. Has anybody got any information on his "combat conditioning" regime? What's it like? The website sent "liar" alarms ringing through my head; I'm not saying his exercises probably wont' be effective, just that selling things with such gargantuan claims in my opinion, is disgraceful.​
I have done a lot of his work outs i think there great .
he dose come off like a used car sales men but its becouse his stuff works
Sorry, but anyone who claims you can get into shape with only a minute a day of exercise is pushing a load of baloney, plain and simple. And the forbidden techniques usually end up being something you can readily find on the internet anyway...
Furey is only presenting information that admittedly can be found anywhere, but the problem is that unless you already know about it, you probably wouldn't know what to look for in the first place...

The Hindu Push Up and the Hindu Squat are smokers... They'll certainly give you a challenge.
Hmmm did not read it as the pop up cartoons and adds about himself were present. Guess I should only read this from home, where i have the pop-up blocker on.
Hello, The best things only comes from hard work! Matt fury book is good stuff. I have one, and those excerise do work if you can get pass a hundred each?

No it is not one min. long. but more like up to an hour. But most of the excerise you are doing is fine too. His thoughts are good and the excerise's in the book is excellant too!

Just try it? Then only you will know the truth! ..........Aloha

97...98...99 uh! enough............
This knows something about martial arts market,
otherwise why would he do those crazy ads.
"forbidden exercises?"

Is that like the lambada - the forbidden dance?

Sounds kinky.
I'm sure the exercises are great, but I'm not paying 36$ to see them.
Even One Minute a Day Brings Results!

Unlike other exercise programs where you are told you MUST do 30 minutes of cardio and an hour of weight training per day to get results, Combat Conditioning is totally different. 15 minutes is all it takes to whoop even the hard-core trainee. I've proven this over and over again. But for the total beginner, he or she can get results starting with ONLY one minute a day. And no, this is not a joke.
That's from the webpage in question. Quackery. Case closed.
When I was looking at his site I saw nothing but a flashy salesman...nothing more nothing less...the picture of him in speedos was...well disturbing.... he does have a good sales pitch and all, and thats something a whole lot of marital artits don't have, the ones who do have it, we call them fake or untraditional....Some people belive that if a basketball player gets paid big money to shoot hoops, shouldn't a karate instructor get paid big to teach people to be as good as they are....this all depending on the skill of the martail artist...
Granted his sales pitch does look dodgy, but I have a few of his products, and have found them to be excellent, like somebody else already stated, the excercises are all on the web if you know where to look, but you have to know what to look for first...

My own personal experience is such, I have done quite a lot of weight training, and sports in the past, but I feel (again, just a personal perspective) that my all round strength and conditioning is better now than it ever was before using nothing but bodyweight exercises.
(By the way, the forbidden exercise is a neck bridge, just like a gymnastic bridge, but using the head as the base instead of the hands)