Is muay thai and wrestling good combo?


White Belt
Feb 16, 2024
Reaction score
i alr do muay thai
wanna dedicate the whole summer to wrestling and muay thai training
Buddy, unfortunately, you’re not old enough to be on the forum.
When Bob sold the forum that changed, @Buka. They don't much care about age, although we do still expect adult behavior.

Go wrestle. It's certainly worth learning.
When Bob sold the forum that changed, @Buka. They don't much care about age, although we do still expect adult behavior.

Go wrestle. It's certainly worth learning.
Thanks, DD, I didn’t know that.
Do whatever you want. I’m assuming you won’t be making any money from it so just do what you wish to do….though if you’re starting from nothing then doing 2 very physically intense sports at the same time may be a bit to hard on the body. Wrestling especially is known for getting people injured quick
Do whatever you want. I’m assuming you won’t be making any money from it so just do what you wish to do….though if you’re starting from nothing then doing 2 very physically intense sports at the same time may be a bit to hard on the body. Wrestling especially is known for getting people injured quick
ill try not to injure myself
as for physical recovery ill be taking hgh and it will help with the process
ill try not to injure myself
as for physical recovery ill be taking hgh and it will help with the process
Are you prescribed hgh for medical purposes? If not, it's not safe to take, and is a controlled substance/illegal to take without a prescription, and can't be promoted on this forum.
Are you prescribed hgh for medical purposes? If not, it's not safe to take, and is a controlled substance/illegal to take without a prescription, and can't be promoted on this forum.
im not prescribed nor am i promoting it
Saying that you are taking it for recovery is implicitly promoting it, and again, against the rules for this forum as that's illegale activity.
it helps with muscle recovery; thats a medical fact
does saying "steroids enhance your performance" mean im promoting it? obviously no
just cuz i mentioned why taking it doesnt mean im promoting it
it helps with muscle recovery; thats a medical fact
does saying "steroids enhance your performance" mean im promoting it? obviously no
just cuz i mentioned why taking it doesnt mean im promoting it
You do realise that if you take it without a prescription that’s illegal right? And if you are training and you’re teammates find out essentially you’re juicing you won’t be making any friends that’s for sure. According to your profile you are 15 you don’t need that junk. You just need to eat healthy and train smart. Frankly as far as im concerned anyone who takes any kind of performance enhancing drug that is not medically needed and doing it to get an advantage over other people is cowardly. If I’m going to beat someone in a match I want to beat them with my own abilities…not because I took drugs I don’t need because I’m not good enough to do it clean.
You do realise that if you take it without a prescription that’s illegal right? And if you are training and you’re teammates find out essentially you’re juicing you won’t be making any friends that’s for sure. According to your profile you are 15 you don’t need that junk. You just need to eat healthy and train smart. Frankly as far as im concerned anyone who takes any kind of performance enhancing drug that is not medically needed and doing it to get an advantage over other people is cowardly. If I’m going to beat someone in a match I want to beat them with my own abilities…not because I took drugs I don’t need because I’m not good enough to do it clean.
AndroginicOgre, do you remember what it was like when you were ten years old?

I think you probably do, because I remember what I was like at ten years old, and I am officially older than f’n dirt.

All comments are people’s opinions, granted, that’s a given.
But they are only said from the heart, to help you, that is their sole purpose. They’re posted by people that LOVE Martial Arts with a passion. Anyone without that passion is an observer hoping to eventually get there.

You’ll probably say you have that same passion, and in your own way, my guess is you probably do. But you haven’t been to the place where the rubber meets the road yet. Whatever your passion is, it will be a hundredfold more in ten years IF you are still involved in Martial Arts. You think that’s a definite, trust me, buddy, it is not.

You probably live at home. We know, we’ve been there. Every single one of us on this forum has been there, no exceptions, not a single one.

Ask yourself this…. are these people trying to play me, to give me bad advice?

Why would any of us do that? We’re only trying to share with you what we have learned. Do with that what you will.

It will be interesting to see where you go from here.