Is it worth it to buy/carry a kubotan?

Look into Tactical Pens. They are..Well, pens, made from 6061 aircraft aluminium, typically equipped with a glass breaker for striking/emergency. Or a sharp circular end known as a 'DNA catcher' due to it's ability to tare. However, they write perfectly fine if you choose to use it that way. You usually have the option on them to switch between two ends. They can't really 100% be quite distinguished as a weapon either, tac pens are things you can carry in your shirt pocket, with a notepad for airports etc. But hell, you hit someone in the sternum with one of those and they are gonna be real hurting. Less lethal option in the EDC, although nothing says you cant use them to a lethal extent..Of course, I'm not a total expert, just that I've been involved in cases where there has been a commotion and someone had a hole in their head cracked like popping your finger through a chocolate Easter Egg, and chucks missing from the torso because they drew a kubaton-like tool during a commotion.
What are tac pens officially supposed to be used for in a SD situation? I mean what if you're attacked and then ram it into the attacker's eye? Would this be covered or would
this be unauthorized use? I mean what's the official application for it? To gently push the sharp end against his collar bone and then ask him to take his hands off you?
Kubotans used to be taught to law enforcement as a low level force device. Mostly used for come alongs and restraining techniques on passively resisting subjects. Think PPCT (pressure point control tactics) kind of stuff.

You can use them for striking and they can do a good job of putting the hurt on people. Just don't try to get artsy with them. Hold it in your fist like an icepick and stab or hammer fist with it. It works great with reverse grip knife techniques ala Shivworks or Ray Floro's stuff.

A tactical pen can be used pretty much the exact same way as the most effective, non LEO use of a kubotan.
