Well after a lot of work we finally have our new IRT Online Training Adventure up and running.
Partnering with Vimeo for the clearest HD you will love these videos. No muss, no fuss and certainly no BS!
Everything over time will be covered: Weapons/Tools, Kicking, Trapping Hands and Joint Manipulation, Grappling and more. By subscribing to the IRT Online Training you will be connected with your fellow martial practitioner's and be able to view technical training performed by Brian R. VanCise and other IRT Instructors. Videos will be updated monthly.
This program was designed for IRT practitioner's and future practitioner's as a supplement to their live personal instruction with a qualified IRT Instructor. Through the years I have taught and trained around the world and this gives you an opportunity to stay current and in touch with your IRT training no matter where you are at!
There will be no awards, belts, etc. through this program as always you have to earn everything through your training and in particular training in person under a qualified instructor! However, this is one awesome supplement for your training. You will not be disappointed!
Get started today and join the cutting edge!
Here is the Blog announcement:
The Instinctive Edge
Here is the Vimeo Online Page:
IRT Online Training On Vimeo
See You On The Edge!