irish stick fighting


Senior Master
just finished my first session today. there are no classes in the area, but i met a guy who did about 5 years of modern arnis & wants to try the irish method. we're going largely off of glen doyle's lessons posted on youtube. between his stick experience & my boxing experience, i think we'll get it figured out, or at least have a lot of fun.

Sounds interesting. Keep us posted about your progress. I'll have to check out those Youtube videos.

thanks guys, will do. i've thought about getting a shillelagh, but i don't need a cane so i can't decide if it would look funny or not.

here's the first lesson, the rest are linked from there:

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I do still use a cane when I walk in the woods, and it's the blackthorn shilelagh (pic, link, and details here). I've been kicking around getting a kamagong walking stick (the rightmost and bottommost one pictured here) but while I'd like a sturdier stick in some ways, I fear it may be too heavy as a day-to-day tool.
I'm glad that Mr. Doyle is advancing WMA (and Irish in particular). I'm a fan of Irish stick (though I don't practice Mr. Doyle's method).

On an interesting side note, after taking a seminar class on Andalusian Cane by Maestro Loriega, I was really intrigued by some of the strong similarities between the close range section of the Andalusian style and Mr. Doyle's style. Not saying there's any source there as I think it's more likely a case of Parallel Evolution. I just found it intriguing.

Peace favor your sword,
thanks guys, will do. i've thought about getting a shillelagh, but i don't need a cane so i can't decide if it would look funny or not.
I carry a cane every day and never have had a single problem with it at all. Most folks just either accept it or don't care one way or the other.

here's the first lesson, the rest are linked from there:

I've been working with Ken Pfrenger off an on for a while now on a manual detailing the specifics of his reconstructed style. It's in a semi-usable form now but isn't complete yet. Missing lots of pics but most of the text is in place.

Peace favor your sword,
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arnisador, i can't see the pic in the first link. the canes in the second look great!

parallels in MA are always interesting. cultures vary, shapes vary, sticks vary, but at the end of the day, there are only so many ways to put a hurtin on somebody.


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