Ipmotrnat New Rseacrh



To the Mratail Tlak Conmumtiy,

Aoccdrning to rsceearh at Cmabrigde Uinervitisy it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in wrods are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sltill raed it wouthit problem. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig, huh?

I tihnk I wlil try tihs new tcehqnuie on my nxet eaxm and see if it wroks. It's hraedr tahn it lokos, gvie it a try!!

Ha ha!! Interesting..........but I don't think I'd try it on an exam of importance........you'd get marked off for spelling mistakes!!

:asian: :karate:
On another note........in college, I used to take notes sort of this way- taking out the vowels........it makes note-taking go a bit faster when you get used to it.

:asian: :karate:
Tht's ntrstng, _ nvr thght f dng tht........_'m nt t sr _'d vr gt th hng f dng tht, t's qt _ bt hrdr thn jst msspllng wrds n prpse! W.....ngh f tht fr n dy.

Ha!! Well.....some of the vowels on two letter words and such have to be left in of course or it is really hard to even read your own writing. Guess I should have said vowels here and there!! If you went to the extreme like that, you could never write the word "you"!! It would just be a big blank. But a lot of the words you can do it with and it makes the note-taking faster.

:asian: :karate:
Oh my gosh!!! That is so interestingly funny! So Hilariously interesting! Let me try!

Oh my gsoh!!! Taht is so ilgnitserenty fnuny! So Hlsuoiraliy initseretng! Let me try!

Hmm, I wnoedr if tihs wroks in Jpaenase?
Didnt I post this a couple months ago?

Or prehpas I was draemnig it? :D
Originally posted by Technopunk
Didnt I post this a couple months ago?

Or prehpas I was draemnig it? :D

Opps, I'm srory. I sosuppe I'll jsut hvae to use the "I'm new" ecxsue. Pselae frgvioe me :D

Mixed up letters
Tshi is prtety itinstretg. (this snouds knid of lkie a wrod in aonther lanugage or smethinog.)
THis is pretty intresting(tshi sounds kind of like a word in another language or something.)
without vowels
ths s prttyntrstng (tsh snds knd f lk a wrd n nthr lngg r smthng
Now lets combind these things
tsh s prtty intstrtg(this snds knd f lk wrd n nhtr lgng r smthng)
Originally posted by Seig
Duh, he took the purple pill.

I took whatever pills I could find. Red green, brown, Yellow...

Oh hell. Those werent pills. They were M&M's

I thought they tasted pretty good for pills.

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