Iowa close to becoming "shall-issue"


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Some good news for the Iowans:

Sheriffs would no longer have nearly unlimited discretion to deny an Iowan a permit to carry a concealed weapon under a bill the Iowa Senate approved today.

Most public safety organizations oppose the legislation, but the National Rifle Association registered in favor of the bill, Senate File 2379.
The Senate voted 44-4. All four “no” votes were from Democrats.
Iowa would go from a “may issue” state to a “shall issue” state, where sheriffs could deny a permit for only a limited number of reasons.
The bill now goes to the Iowa House for more discussion.

It's a good start, and with this kind of margin, there's no way it can be vetoed. All that's left is for the House to finish their work.
Quick update: It passed the house. All that's left is for the governor's sig, which he said he'll sign.

And Arizona is close to becoming VERMONT STYLE! Or should I say Vermont and Alaska style. That is, no permint needed!

Yes the times are a'changing!


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