IOC's stance on Munich massacre—cowardice



That may not strike you as a big deal, but imagine if it were the U.S. Imagine if almost half the 1972 team had been taken hostage and murdered, and the IOC refused to properly honor the American dead.All that Israel’s supporters wanted were 60 seconds out of a three-and-half hour show.

What would be the harm?

The IOC could actually have lived up to its high-minded ideals. But a moment of silence would have been heard around the oil-rich Persian Gulf, where people routinely deny Munich ever happened.

It’s not cheap trotting around the globe and hobnobbing with aristocrats. So principles be damned if they threaten the IOC’s true calling, which is to take care of the IOC.

Rogge would rather keep the sheiks happy and disappoint people like Ilana Romano. Her husband, Yossef, was one of the 11 Israelis killed in Munich.

She’s been trying to pressure the IOC into reconsidering its stance. So have elected officials from Europe and Canada and the U.S.

It’s all fallen on deaf, oil-loving ears.
If they had it wouldn't have been shown in Saudi and the other Arab places, they won't even show their own female athletes competing in their events, in fact they've not even annnounced the women in the teams so there's no chance that anything to do with Israel would be shown publically. The Israeli team wasn't shown entering in the opening ceremony either. The BBC commentators talked about Munich when the Israeli team came out as did the Eurosport ones, between the two at least they reach a few milion people, not enough I know.
The IOC, well not much can be said about them really, must be nice to be able to feather your nest though.
The IOC is a gutless organization. A minute of silence to remember a seminal event at the Olympics would not have been much to ask.

t would also be nice if they showed the intestinal fortitude and sent any team that refused to compete against an Israeli athlete packing.

But the IOC is only for the IOC.
I suspect it's not even because it's Israel, I don't think the IOC would do anything to upset any country that could afford to give them 'presents', put them up in top hotels with all the perks etc etc that come with being on the IOC.
They should do more than a minute, there should be a look back, and it should be about the same amount of time they give to looking at any other aspect of the olympics while they are waiting between events, at a minimum. It should actually be more time because it was a major event in olympics history.

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