Invite for guests


MT Senior Moderator
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Lives in Delaware
At any given time, there are three times the amount of guests then members signed in. Maybe all it would take is an invite to help them to climb aboard. Thoughts?
At any given time, there are three times the amount of guests then members signed in. Maybe all it would take is an invite to help them to climb aboard. Thoughts?

I think you have a good idea.

But, From my understanding is that many of the guests are "bots" and search engines.

But I agree that an open invite to Lurkers and Guests is the intent and people should feel free to sign in and or create an account to sign in.
The more the merrier! Isn't there a banner inviting guests to register already? They "see" a different board than we do (try it!).
Bring them on we need fresh meat wait that is another story!!!:erg:
There's a couple of things inviting them to join, but some folks just read without logging in.

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