Invitation to those interested!


Yellow Belt
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
We are currently looking for Representatives in the U.S. , Europe, and Asia. Become an Rapido Realismo Kali representative by starting an RRK training group in your Area.

Rapido Realismo Kali System REPRESENTATIVES

For more info on starting a training group contact us [email protected]

I would personally like to invite you to be part of a slowly growing group of representatives/instructors in the martial art systems taught by Punong Guro Henry Espera. This is for the people who are sick and tired of the quick fixes many organizations offer and would like to become a real knowledgeable martial artist and feel comfort in knowing you can actually pull off the techniques you have learned. I promise you will eventually be able to defend yourself in any possible situation that could occur after training with me as long as there is consistency in your working out both with me and practicing as often as you could on your own free time. If you are presently involved in a martial art and you are an unbiased person who would like to pursue more knowledge in different styles, all the martial arts I teach is a great additive to your existing program.
If you are a school owner or would like to be and you don't have Rapido Realismo Martial Arts systems where you live. Provided you live too far to train daily here in Manila, Philippines, We have a couple of different ways for you to spend as much time as possible learning these fighting methods and along with some time and effort, you can eventually become Apprentice or Basic instructor level and teach these martial arts where you live. Please note that this is an educational process that cannot be accomplished overnight, so you have to understand that you are working toward gaining an authentic education in the area of self defense and BLADE oriented filipino martial arts.
One way to learn these fighting systems is to train with Punong Guro Espera one on one or semi privately here in the Philippines. If you fly in from another country to go to Silang, Cavite or Manila, Philippines, know that there are hotels at a discount rate we can find for you as a students & visitors. Like the My Flower Hotel and Restaurant and Oasis Paco Park Hotel.
Another possibility if you are a martial art school owner, would be for PG Espera to come to you and conduct a workshop/seminar in your area with you being the sponsor. Either way you decide to train with him, We will guarantee you will be left with very practical techniques and drills that will enhance your fighting skills tremendously in all ranges. He have a very unique way to teach my martial art styles. You will see that He also make sure everyone at each workshop gets individual attention so that everything being taught is completely understood down to the finest detail.

LONG DISTANCE AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: For long distance students who are unable to train with me daily and participate in our regular instructorship sessions, I have a specialized Representative/Instructorship program to fit your specific needs. What this program entails would be for you to come to Manila, Philippines and develop through specialized Representative/Instructorship Intensive Training programs. This training combined with you having me out to your area for an annual seminar will give you the ability to become a certified Representative as you work towards your Instructorship, It also Required you to Train Privately Twice a year and two weeks in Duration every training, this ensure you will reach the Guro Level upto Full Instructorship and it will lasted for 2 to 3 Years.

LOCAL STUDENTS: For local students, Rapido Realismo Luneta Kali Group, Cavite Kali Group ( and soon Laguna Kali Group) offers an Instructorship program. The personal training in this class combined with training very intensely with other instructors and advance students, helps to develop your skills, knowledge, and teaching ability more rapidly than other formats. Please note that this is an educational process that cannot be accomplished overnight, so you have to understand that you are working toward gaining an authentic education in the area of self defense and combat oriented martial arts. This program is designed specifically to develop instructors, therefore special emphasis is placed on developing your martial knowledge and fighting skill, while also developing your ability to instruct and teach students of all levels.
*Guaranteed after every personal training session with PG Espera, you will see a big difference in your fighting abilities in KALIS BLADE AND IMPACT FIGHTING as well as your kicking, boxing, trapping and grappling range, or the SABAKAN the empty hand of Rapido Realismo, the Henry Espera way. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
For costs and times you would like to come in and do private or semi private lessons, feel free to Contact Isagani or [email protected] to get full information you will need to get started. As for workshop training or classes contact the same Info and leave us your question and bio's and we will put you on a mailing list. Or you can leave us your e-mailing address as well.
Private, Semi-Private Instruction and Training Group program Available

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Slowly growing? Really?

Can't say I'm surprised.

I don't think you will find too many interested partys... you can't learn to be an instructor through an "Instructorship program"