Interesting Wal-Mart Run


Master of Arts
Alright, so I, at age 21, am at a Wal-Mart Supercenter with my 20 y.o. girlfriend, and among my other purchases is a 6-pack of beer. I show the guy my ID, but he says he can't let me purchase the beer because--get this--my underage girlfriend is walking through the line with me. The concern, of course, is that I'm purchasing the beer for her. Let alone the fact that Wal-Mart is in no way responsible for what I do with the beer after purchase, but whatever. The thing is, if she'd have gone in another aisle, or if I'd have turned right around and purchased the beer in another aisle, things would have been find. There just seems to be something counter-intuitive about this.

And of course, while filling up my vehicle at the cheapy gas-station there, a homeless guy comes up and asks me for gas money. Typical story; poor Vietnam vet ran out of gas and needs just a few bucks so he can get to his brother's house in a nearby town. I told him I'd give him a few after I got my change; in the meantime some lady handed him a wad of bills out of her car when she passed by. As I was getting the change, the gas-station attendent told me that he'd been there all day. Figures. My girlfriend had gone ahead and handed him a couple bucks already; I knew he was probably just swindling, but what's a couple dollars compared to helping him out on the slim chance he was being honest?

There's not a real certain point to this, so sorry if I just seem to be rambling. Just thought it was interesting enough to post. Later.
Lot's of places will not let you buy if they suspect you are purchasing for an underage person. At least now you know...
Thats pretty common policy in NY. ID everyone in the party checking out, refuse if any are below 21.
Good for you on your attitude towards the homeless guy. I know people can get to feeling ripped off, but I had to panhandle for gas one time on a lonely road in South Texas, and I'll never forget the people that helped me.
RandomPhantom700 said:
I show the guy my ID, but he says he can't let me purchase the beer because--get this--my underage girlfriend is walking through the line with me.
You'll find that happening everywhere. One time I couldn't purchase any alcohol because my teenage son was with me! Pain in the butt, but it is for the store's protection as well as the livers of many underage drinkers.

RandomPhantom700 said:
I knew he was probably just swindling, but what's a couple dollars compared to helping him out on the slim chance he was being honest?
As lonecoyote said, you really never know. I usually give people food, an extra old jacket or clothing I'm taking to Goodwill or whatever I've got I think might help them. The gas money thing is pretty obvious, so I usually don't give, but when I do, I give, say a dollar. I was stuck one time with no gas, no cash, checking account empty, no charge card and three days from payday.

Since we're rambling a little, my father was dying and in the hospital 30 miles away and I had just come from there to go to work. I was stuck at the gas station and just didnt' know what to do and started to just cry. This wonderful man and his wife had the attendant check under the hood of my car, check the tire pressure, filled my tank, bought me a snack, etcetera. I was 19 and emotionally a wreck, financially a wreck...I'll never forget that man's kindness.

I think as long as you don't put yourself in a bad position, helping each other is one of the reasons we're all put here together.
No comment on the beer thingy. I'm old enough now that I'll laugh if someone tries to ID me for smokes. But uhh, I don't drink.

The homeless man was swindling? I don't think that is the proper or even correct terminology for what he was doing. Panhandling yes and basically trying to survive. Survival for him might be different than survival for say you or for me or anyone else. Some of those guys NEED the alcohol (and isn't it ironic that we frown upon those who fall into that catagory when we get all huffy when we can't buy it for ourselves for some stupid reason or another?).
But those guys, those stinking, miserable alcoholics who just stay drunk all day/week long not being productive like say you or I who would work hard all week so we could drink all weekend long or at a friend's b-day party or a wedding or a cool BBQ or whatever!
I'm glad to see/read/hear about people who are still willing to help out regardless of what they "think" about the guy. I mean shesula is right... we are here basically to help one another. That is when we aren't killing each other in some war like the panhandler might've done and probably against his will (drafted?) and watching his friends get blown-away and then be rejected from job after job because you're too mentally messed up from the after effects of combat that without treatment you wouldn't be able to hold down a job anyway if you tried. Sooo, you know you gotta eat and you know you wanna drink/get drunk because the pain of the memories is just-too-much-to-bear, so you gotta hold your hat out and hope for the best.
Somedays you do pretty good... other days....

I-I'm sorry I was rambling too... what was the question?
MACaver said:
Some of those guys NEED the alcohol (and isn't it ironic that we frown upon those who fall into that catagory when we get all huffy when we can't buy it for ourselves for some stupid reason or another?).
But those guys, those stinking, miserable alcoholics who just stay drunk all day/week long not being productive like say you or I who would work hard all week so we could drink all weekend long or at a friend's b-day party or a wedding or a cool BBQ or whatever!
Um, just to note, the not being allowed to purchase alcohol thing and the being panhandled/swindled/begged/etc. by the guy at the gas station are two separate things. I never said he was a drunk, just someone trying to get cash out of people, and lying to do so.

And there's no specific question, just a topic that might or might not get responses is all.
RandomPhantom700 said:
Um, just to note, the not being allowed to purchase alcohol thing and the being panhandled/swindled/begged/etc. by the guy at the gas station are two separate things. I never said he was a drunk, just someone trying to get cash out of people, and lying to do so.

And there's no specific question, just a topic that might or might not get responses is all.

Ya I know... just being a little sarcastic with da tongue in cheek... :uhyeah:
Kaith Rustaz said:
Thats pretty common policy in NY. ID everyone in the party checking out, refuse if any are below 21.

Yes, in NY where Liquor is sold only in liquor stores and, and beer and wine in grocery stores.

I prefer Michigan, where I can go into the local Meijers and buy a shot gun, and a case of beer and a fifth of alcohol. I do have to come back for the shells, I just have to take the rest out to my car and then come back for the shells.

Funny how things very soo much from state to state, in what people consider the proper way to dispense alcohol, etc.

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