Interesting News on Today Shinryuken's Gravesite!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
I came across a post by Paul Richardson aka Poryu on most forums. Paul is definately one of the historians of the Bujinkan and has produced the book: History of the Bujikan which can be found here: (I highly recommend this book)

Here is a part of his post dealing with Today Shinryuken's gravesite:

For those of you interested or with some knowledge of history and have been involved in other forums you will know that there has been for the past years the constant question of did Toda Shinryuken really exist.

One of the facts always used to back up the conspirousy theorists was the fact there was no know grave.


that was until now.

Yesterday (14th October) during a conversation with kacem he informed me that not only does there exist at least one makimono hand written with the signature of Toda in hatsumi senseis possession but he personally has seen with his own eyes the grave that bears the name of Toda.

He literally came across it by accident.

He told me what city but not the temple it is located.

I hope this brings some welcomed long awaited news for some of the senior members

The full post can be found here:

While I agree with other people that more has to be done or shown to prove his existence this certainly is very promising news for members of the Bujinkan!
Yeah I was just reading this thread on MAP Brian You are fast and find about 300 times what the rest of us find you rock and so does this new. It is one of the differences between east and west is we NEED to have proof of things they tend to except things. Not sure which way is right but it is us trying to learn their traditions. Thanks again for the post.
Might want to edit the thread title. I was trying to figure out why this topic would be featured on NBC's morning show. :lol:
Why is this an issue? I have no idea? I think I regonize the name as one from the lineage? Can someone exsplian or point me in the right direction so I can figure this out?

I am curious did the person find a grave with just the last name Toda?
or is the first name and date also on the marker?
The scrolls listed with Toda signature how does one know it is his? Is there something to compare it with?
I think these are valided questions to be asked in light of this breaking news.