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Do you have Insurance for your club

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This would be a first where an association would come in very handy for a school other than in materials and time etc.

As far as the 2 mill...why would the other schools continue to pay now? If they won't get any coverage then I would just stop payments as you're paying for nothing. Something doesn't seem right there.
I spoke with 2 people last night who are members of the club up at western and as far as either of them knows there has not be any accidents up at uwo in the clubs in the last 2 years.

1)The insuance companies are jerking someone around or 2) it happened before that.

Something just isn't right here.
Roland do you know of any associations in Canada like that.

Gou which UWO club are you talking about.
The guy has been there for 2 years. Said he never knew of anyone who got hurt.
But was that the Club that is in question here with the two mil payout ? just how many Clubs are at UWO ? I know of at least three
-and the one you mentioned
Everyone talks about this payout but I have yet to find anyone who knows where it went. I am getting more and more skeptical about it actually happening and it being a rumour.
Not sure how to contact them though.

There are several martial arts clubs at western, so it would be hard to find out which one it happened too.
But the info I got came directly from 2 differnet insurance companies now.
I know this is an old thread, but this seemed like the place to ask.

What companies in the US offer Martial Arts Studo insurance? What types of insurance are there that a Martial Arts studio needs?

This is a new issue for me. Feel fee to email or PM me as well. Thanks in advance.

P.S. Get this. i looked for a Black Belt Magazine today to peruse but I could not even find one. The 3 places I went didn't carry it and another store hasn't had it for a few days, I think they are between issues.

we train very safely but i would still never have opened without insurance. Getting hit with a lawsuit that you can't pay is a quick road to going out of business!
I have heard of minor injuries resulting in crazy lawsuits that ended up shutting the doors of some schools.

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