Inside/outside triangle steps?


MT Mentor
Over on Chinaboxer's tutorial page, he's got a video dealing with basic WC footwork as he learned it from Hawkins Cheung and Gary Lam. He discusses "inside triangle" and "outside triangle" steps. I didn't learn anything close to the outside triangle in the LT "WT" system, althought I have used something somewhat similar in escrima. Do any of the rest of you study these particular steps?
Geezer in most Yip Man systems the steps are in the dummy and knife forms. They are usually taught at the Chum Kui level or between Chum Kui and Bil Jee. Some systems seem to spend more time on them than others. IMHO they are some of the crucial foot work one needs to fight. They teach you how to angle away from the point of attack while actually moving closer to your opponent.
We never called them any specific name, it was just "footwork" and part of taking or regaining the line.
We had sarn bok ma which three point steppping (triangle) found in the dummy and the kknives forms.

We also had huan ma (sp?) circular stepping which is basically for sweeping around somebodies leg its found in biu gee and also in the dummy form.
Geezer in most Yip Man systems the steps are in the dummy and knife forms. They are usually taught at the Chum Kui level or between Chum Kui and Bil Jee. Some systems seem to spend more time on them than others. IMHO they are some of the crucial foot work one needs to fight. They teach you how to angle away from the point of attack while actually moving closer to your opponent.

Well, I'm going to talk with my instructor about it over the next few days when he comes to visit. I've seen some similarities so far, but nothing exactly like Chinaboxer's "outside triangle" in the basic system. We do use the "three-angle walking" and "huen bo" that Poor Uke mentioned. At any rate, I may have a chance to start learning the Bart Cham Dao soon (finally, after being in and out of WC since 1979!!!). Maybe that will shed some light on this.
Greezer thats great. There is lots of great stuff locked up in the knife form. Don't recall if I have ever seen the LT form but have been told that it is a very good form. good luck with it.