Orange Belt
I've already done some of your "normal" martial arts like karate or kickboxing and i was thinking about joining a style a bit more streetwise. There's a self-defense class not far from where i life, they teach progressive fighting system, the program includes empty hands, knife and stick training. I've done a bit searching on the net for information about this system and i've only became even more confused. It's suposed to have been created by Paul Vunak (one of Dan Inosanto's students) and it's a mixture of Kali, Wing Chung, Muay Thai, BJJ and a bunch of other things i don't remember right now. He clames to be able to transform a regular guy in a street fighter "not in a matter of year or months, but in just a few days".
I'm really interested in a self-defense system and this is the only one i can find near me, but what is this all about? "in just a few days"? Statments such as these remind me of the DragonBall series! (Freezer: I will defeat you Son Goku! You are no match for me!)
Is anybody familiared with this style, or with Kali and Wing Chun (is Wing Chun related to Wing Tsun)?
I'm really interested in a self-defense system and this is the only one i can find near me, but what is this all about? "in just a few days"? Statments such as these remind me of the DragonBall series! (Freezer: I will defeat you Son Goku! You are no match for me!)
Is anybody familiared with this style, or with Kali and Wing Chun (is Wing Chun related to Wing Tsun)?