Increasing Flexibility

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
Hi, I'm a blue stripe in Tae Kwon Do and recently I have found that when doing more advanced kicks I need to have more flexibility i.e reverse turning kick, 180 spinning outer/inner cresent kicks.
I know that stretching the muscles in the legs is the key and I'm starting a gym program which will aid towarsd this, I was wondering how you guys improve your flexibility and if you do any other training apart from the usual to aid towards this?
Getting better flexibility takes time and slow, diligent work. There are some good books, tapes out there. Century and Barnes & Noble are usually where I go to for references. Jean Frenette's Guide to Stretching paperback. "Stretching Scientifically" is a good tape or book.

Women usually have better flexibility. But some men and women don't because they don't work on it, occasional isn't enough. I usually do some static before class, dynamic during class and isometric/split work after class. Three types of stretching, static-stretching slowly and holding it for 20 sec., dynamic - fast - starting low and progressing to a high stretch front kick (not the same as a striking front kick-toes not brought back, then isometric, where in splits while you hold the stretch, you tense the inner thigh muscles for 20-30 sec. and release. Its good to stretch every morning. Its better to do some warm-up like jumping jacks or my favorite, just jogging for 5 min., then I start the static.

You are gradually building the strength of the opposing muscles. When you stretch one leg the other lengthens, gets stronger. But NEVER bounce, I tore my hamstring doing that as a blue belt and it took a year to really heal especially while continuing to work out.

I started out not terribly flexible, but now can do a full up front kick and a head level double side kick and a near split - an inch or so more! After 7+ years. So the key is to keep working on it and do it slowly. I stretch until uncomfortable not to pain, in sets and slowly you loosen up.
Hope this helps - and its good to read - check out books!

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