Include Third Party's in Presidential Debates.

Bob Hubbard

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Latest Poll: Majority Want Libertarian Bob Barr Included in Presidential Debates

August 14, 2008 11:26 am EST

Atlanta, GA - A recently released poll by Zogby International shows that a majority of American voters want Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr included in the presidential debates.

Barr, currently polling at 6 percent nationally, would need to meet the thresholds established by the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), a private corporation run by former chairs of the Republican and Democratic National Committees, and funded by many large corporations.

According to the CPD, to be included in the debates, candidates must meet ballot access requirements and poll nationally at 15 percent or more in at least five "selected" public opinion polling organizations.

The poll released by Zogby showed that 55 percent of likely voters want Bob Barr included in the debates. Of the respondents, 69 percent of independents felt that Bob Barr deserves a place in the debate, while 52 percent of Democrats and even 50 percent of Republicans agreed.

"We're very pleased to hear the results of the poll and are heartened to learn that most voters don't buy into the 'spoiler' argument being espoused by partisan talking heads," states Russell Verney, campaign manager for Bob Barr and former campaign manager for Ross Perot. "People want real change and they know that they are not going to get it from a Republican or a Democrat. America's only hope for change is by allowing more competition in the political process and that means opening the debates to any candidate who can meet the ballot access criteria."

The Barr campaign supports opening the presidential debates to any candidate who is on the ballot in enough states to mathematically win the vote of the Electoral College.

"In 1992, Ross Perot was polling at seven percent nationally and was included in all three debates. It's time to go back to those more inclusive times," continued Verney.

Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003, where he served as a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, as Vice-Chairman of the Government Reform Committee, and as a member of the Committee on Financial Services. Prior to his congressional career, Barr was appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, and also served as an official with the CIA. Since leaving Congress, Barr has been practicing law and has teamed up with groups ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the American Conservative Union to actively advocate every American citizens’ right to privacy and other civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Along with this, Bob is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom.
Personally, I'd like to see them do real debates, rather than the orchestrated infomercials they've become. Let the "big 2" debate against the Libertarians, Greens, etc on the national stage. Problem is, Perot gave them hell, it scared them, so they changed the rules to make it harder to compete against the status-quo.
As much as I would like to see another choice in this election, or any election for that matter, what chance do you think Bob Barr has under the current system?

I admittedly do not know much about him but I am now doing the research.
Honestly, none. Short of a major shift, he won't win.
Still voting for him through.

I look at the 3rd parties for information and facts, as I've found that the Big-2 can talk for 30 minutes yet tell you nothing of substance. Right now, I'm combing their sites for press releases and posting some that I find worth discussion, but there is so much more there to check out.
Greens: Cynthia McKinney deserves to participate in the Sept. 18 presidential debate in New Orleans


For Immediate Release:
Monday, August 25, 2008

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-904-7614, [email protected]
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805, [email protected]

Green Party leaders cite McKinney's advocacy of the rights of Katrina survivors and criticism of government response to the disaster, saying she will speak for displaced and excluded people of New Orleans if invited to the debate

Greens seek an end to presidential debates limited by arbitrary criteria to the two corporate party candidates; pollsters' omission of McKinney amounts to manipulation of the presidential race and censorship of the McKinney-Clemente campaign

Cynthia McKinney's speech in Denver, August 24:

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders called for the organizers of the September 18 presidential debate in New Orleans to admit other candidates along with the Democratic and Republican nominees, including Green nominee Cynthia McKinney.

The debate sponsors, Google and You Tube (
), require a 15% showing in three national polls to determine which candidates may participate in the debate.

"Cynthia McKinney deserves a place in the New Orleans debate. Any presidential candidate who has qualified for enough ballot lines to achieve the necessary electoral votes to win to be elected -- regardless of poll numbers -- has earned a place in the debates. The 15% threshold is being used to exclude all candidates outside of the corporate party nominees, John McCain and Barack Obama," said Cliff Thornton, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.

"Ms. McKinney is more than just the candidate of a viable and growing party. She has played a special role in the movement to help survivors of the 2005 hurricane disaster in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region. No other presidential candidate can talk about the needs of those who've been displaced or otherwise affected by Katrina the way Ms. McKinney can. Their concerns will be missing from the debate if Cynthia McKinney isn't invited," added Mr. Thornton.

Cynthia McKinney will appear on enough state ballots for an Electoral College victory, should she win in all these states. For the same reason, Greens also support the inclusion of independent candidate Ralph Nader, Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, and Constitution Party nominee Chuck Baldwin in the New Orleans debate.

Green Party leaders said that, since pollsters are generally omitting Ms. McKinney in their research, the poll numbers are showing dishonest and manipulated results, with the McKinney-Clemente campaign effectively censored from major media coverage of the race.

"Voters deserve to know about all the names they'll see on the ballot on Election Day, and to know which candidate best represents one's interests and ideals. It's time to end debates limited to candidates approved by sponsoring corporations and pollsters," said Green Party co-chair Sanda Everette.

Greens are appealing to New Orleans area community organizations as well as women's, student, and human rights groups to join the demand for Cynthia McKinney's inclusion in the New Orleans debate.

Greens note that Ms. McKinney, a member of the US House (Dem-Ga.) at the time of the hurricane, has been intimately involved in the post-Katrina survivors' issues, and that she:

Joined the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, despite the Democratic Party leadership's call for Democratic members to boycott the committee.

Led a congressional delegation to the site of the devastation, arranged for survivors to testify before the Commission, and inserted a 75-page supplement in the Final Report of the Katrina Commission exposing many problems not otherwise addressed.

Introduced the first legislation concerning the clean-up toxicity in the region and restoring the homes of displaced residents.

Tracked hundreds of bills and worked closely with other members of Congress on drafting combined legislation that addressed many survivor issues.

Led a march across the bridge to Gretna, Louisiana, with people displaced by Katrina who had been refused passage during the hurricane; introduced a bill to deny funding to the Gretna police department because of its role in turning away thousands of hurricane survivors, mostly African Americans, at the Crescent City Connection bridge. Ms. McKinney was the only member of Congress to join the November 7, 2005 march.

Continues to works actively with the Reconstruction Party, a local political party in New Orleans, and in support of displaced residents' right of return and other survivor issues.


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
Green candidate database for 2008 and other campaign information:
Green Party News Center
Green Party Speakers Bureau
Green Party ballot access page

Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente 'Power to the People' Campaign for the White House

Cynthia McKinney on video

Speech in Denver, August 24:
Music video:

"An Opportunity to Open Presidential Debates" By John Nichols, The Nation, July 6, 2008

2008 Green National Convention, July 10-13 in Chicago, Illinois

~ END ~
~ END ~

search: lwcj, spol


Disclaimer: State, local, and candidate press releases made available here represent the opinions of the original source only. Opinions expressed by a state party or candidate do not necessarily represent the views of the Green Party of the United States. State party contact information, when provided with candidate releases, does not imply state party endorsement of the opinions expressed nor of the candidate (prior to gaining formal nomination by the party).

Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037
Email: 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN
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Note: I've renamed this thread to reflect the expanded scope. Original post was just the Libertarian PR, but I've since added the Green Party PR too.
I want Nader. I'm sure he could get at least 20 to 25% of the vote this time.
Nader's got a bit of work to do. He got less than 1% in 2004, which was down from his 2.74 in 2000. But he is in the running, with Matt Gonzalez as his running mate.
Nader's got a bit of work to do. He got less than 1% in 2004, which was down from his 2.74 in 2000. But he is in the running, with Matt Gonzalez as his running mate.

Now there's an interesting political foot-note bullet on your resume.

"Picked as Ralph Nader's running-mate in..."
Personally I think the American public is being brain washed by all the coverage of one of the 2 big party candidates.
I also would like to see a real debate or a real question and answer platform where all the questions where not agreed upon by the candidates. Let them have to answer those off the wall questions from people not associated with the parties they represent, not some hand feed questions.
More than 2 people in a debate, how dare you suggest that someone that is snot in the two big parties have some idea of what might be good for the country. That is like saying the boss dose not know everything and the little people might have a good idea or thought
As an aside, can anyone find any mention of the third parties on CNN or Fox? Maybe a list of candidates? I sure can't.
I've been looking for 2 weeks and the first mention I have seen of it is here on MT. I did see a Bob Barr commercial once and only once a little over 2 weeks ago and I went to the web after that and other then his site I have found nothing
CNN is really good.
"Before voters choose between John McCain and Barack Obama, see for yourself who they really are. "

They only list McCain and Obama as candidates, despite quite a few stories about the other candidates.

So I sent an email in (again), though I don't expect a reply.
"In looking through your US election coverage, I see no mention of any of the third parties candidates. Google finds articles, but I'm unable to find them while surfing around the site. In fact, it seems that the only candidates and parties that exist to CNN are the Democrats and Republicans. Why is that? Certainly an honest news source would be giving some attention to the third parties, especially since most declared their candidates months ago and should at least be listed on the candidate listing."
I like the reasoning behind it, but sadly it is a waste of time/energy. Jesse Ventura won because of his popularity with young voters. He couldn't get anything done because he had no allies in the state government.

3rd party politics is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.
I like the reasoning behind it, but sadly it is a waste of time/energy. Jesse Ventura won because of his popularity with young voters. He couldn't get anything done because he had no allies in the state government.

3rd party politics is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Only because the majority of Americans are just too goddamned stupid to ignore the media and do the right thing.
I caught Glen Beck's interview with Barr the other day. An hr. of hope and honest talk. He would be a great president if the media would only give him access to the debates and a bit more coverage.