Impact Ninjutsu

Godan may be a meager rank now, wasn't back in the day. How long have you been training? And haven't you heard of the people getting ranked nowadays based on heart??

Don't assume that which you do not know.

NEVER have I stated I am trying to improve on what hatsumi is doing. First off, he teaches BUDO TAIJUTSU. I am doing my own system with influences from his, not an improvement.

I do have a copy of the Bansenshukai, and it is extremelly expensive to translate. Would you like to know how much I had to spend on it???? And if there is no english version, how would you know if there are any unarmed techniques in there or not. I guess I would know about general principles and tactics the same way you happen to know its content!! Anyone else here see a contradiction?

I don't care if you take what I say at face value. The bottom line is you have never looked at, or sign-up for, or trained with me at all. Therefore, your entire post is based on ignorance. This would be like me trying to tell you that your training methods are poor when I know absolutely nothing about you.
Dr. Hatsumi, Godan, Washington D.C., Tai Kai, 2001.

And please, don't assume I have a lack of knowledge just because I disagree with you. That again shows ignorance.

"again"? I don't recall showing any ignorance as of yet.

Trust me, I have been in my fair share of resistings, seen more resistings, worked as a bouncer for a brief stint (definitely not something I am proud of)...

Why not? Useful experience if there ever was.

... have have a plethora of experience in randori. Real randori, not free response. I have come to the conclusion that the lunge punch is severely overused in many training systems.

Oh, you're talking about that Ichimonji rear hand lunge punch thing, aren't you? Sheesh... no wonder you think you need to box.
I don't care if you take what I say at face value. The bottom line is you have never looked at, or sign-up for, or trained with me at all. Therefore, your entire post is based on ignorance. This would be like me trying to tell you that your training methods are poor when I know absolutely nothing about you.

You have to demonstrate that you have something worth the time or money for folks to go out of their way to train with you, online or otherwise.

NEVER have I stated I am trying to improve on what hatsumi is doing

When you say
NEVER have I stated I am trying to improve on what hatsumi is doing. First off, he teaches BUDO TAIJUTSU. I am doing my own system with influences from his, not an improvement."

& then say this:
the taijutsu has been updated to meet modern day attacks.

You are indeed trying to "improve" upon it. Whether or not you are remains to be seen...

I think that I've learned enought about your system. I won't waste any more of your time, sir.
Good luck.
If I seem a little defensive, its because I am somewhat frustrated about this medium. Its very hard to illustrate a point about martial arts via wording. This is all I want to say. Take a look at my site, watch the sample videos and read some posts on the forum. I think this will speak more for my creditials or ability than any post I can come up with. That is where I am trying to sell myself, not here.
Godan may be a meager rank now, wasn't back in the day.

If you are talking about 1960, yes. But you took it when it became a rather meager rank. Most people I know in the Bujinkan that are worth anything are not eager to talk about their rank because they know it is inflated compared to other arts. They merely try their best to try to live up to it without calling attention to themselves.

It is only those that are pretty much useless that try to make much of their rank to sell themselves.

NEVER have I stated I am trying to improve on what hatsumi is doing. First off, he teaches BUDO TAIJUTSU. I am doing my own system with influences from his, not an improvement.

If he teaches Budo taijutsu, then where did you learn ninjutsu from? And all your talk about how the art needs to be updated shows that you think that what he does is not viable and needs to be improved.

The simpler explination is that you merely do not know enough to realize just how valid what he teaches is for the modern day.

I do have a copy of the Bansenshukai, and it is extremelly expensive to translate. Would you like to know how much I had to spend on it???? And if there is no english version, how would you know if there are any unarmed techniques in there or not.

I know because I do not need to rely on English translations of the works you mentioned.

Based on the way you have acted about this, it has become clear that you are not being truthful about owning the book or translating it. It is merely something you are using to try to sell what you do with little regards to the truth.

The bottom line is you have never looked at, or sign-up for, or trained with me at all. Therefore, your entire post is based on ignorance. This would be like me trying to tell you that your training methods are poor when I know absolutely nothing about you.

If I said that Jeet Kun Do had no kicks, then you would not need anything else to know that I knew nothing about JKD. In the same way your posts here have shown a real lack of knowledge about ninjutsu. The pictures and such on your site also are quite lacking compared to some of the masters of the art that I have seen.

If you were merely another unskilled, self proclaimed soke, then that would be another matter. But you have quite clearly tried to say that what you do is definable as a system of ninjutsu. And you seem to take any excuse you can to justify using that rather sellable name and luring people to your courses by responding to questions about ninjutsu. And the simple fact is you do not seem to understand even a little of the principles of ninjutsu to make that call. You have shown a great amount of dishonesty in your dealings here.
If I seem a little defensive, its because I am somewhat frustrated about this medium. Its very hard to illustrate a point about martial arts via wording.

We are not discussing techniques.

If it is too difficult for you to even explain a point like this via the internet, then how can you hope to instruct people in an art as rich as real ninjutsu by the same medium?

After all, earlier you tried to press for internet instruction by using the following argument.

Student/teacher interaction is also obtainable through the use of forums or message boards. Questions can be asked and answered thoroughly and in a timely manner. If the student is training properly, it will be evident what questions need asked, or what techniques just don't seem to be working correctly.

But now you are saying that you can't even illustrate a simple point by means of a message board. You seem to change your tune as it fits your agenda.
Learning a defensive art by computer, is like learning love making from a book.

One might mimic the dance steps by copying what they are shown, but that just makes them a good copyist. It doesn't make them a martial artist. That requires mat time, and blood sweat and tears.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mail order body building course to complete. See, I watch this video and lift things I find around the house and I'll be in the WWE by Turkey Day. Great bargain too, only $9.95 a month. I had to give up Girls Gone Wild though.

You'll find that 'learn by video' or 'learn by book' training is frowned upon here. They make good references, but to learn cold without the personal attention of an instructor, well, once might as well beat on trees and dress up like a power ranger in their back yard, like one other so called "ninja master" does. I think most serious martial artists share that opinion of 'book larnin'. Remember, Tae-Bo is also marketed as "learn self defence" series, and that stuff is pure crap.

You make the following claim:
Q: How is this different than video/home study black belt programs? top

A: The only similarity is that the instuction is set in a video format. With home study programs, you receive a set amount of dvd’s with instruction that will never change. With Impact Ninjutsu, however, you receive a two new classes and bonus video each and every week. These classes are filmed, edited and presented to you so they contain the most updated techniques and principles. Our message board allows you to be in constant communication with the instructor for any comments or questions you may have. Our private lessons offer you the chance to tailor your training to your specific needs. We try to provide you as much, if not more, interaction with the instructor than you will find at any other dojo.

When I train, I can get my instructors attention, have him review my technique, correct me, and improve me, immediately. When something feels wrong, he can see why and make it right.

How can I do that on a message board?
How can I get that, if he's squinting at a little 320x200 camera phone video I sent in?

So, to summarize:

You have made a new style of martial arts (fair enough)

You are calling it ninjutsu, using Japanese lingo (why? other than blatant advertising...)

You (allegedly) trained in the Bujinkan

You start a few threads discussing online training (harping the pros of such) and then advertise your own online training website.

To be frank, you are not doing yourself any favours here. Making up your own self-defense system is legit but trying to pass it of as something else (which just seems like cashing in on the ninja craze/attraction...probably thirty years too late...) is another.

An inability to provide satisfactory evidence for the previous questions immediately suggests "fraud" to everyone.

To me, it appears at this moment that you may have had some basic training but want to a "big man" of your own rather than follow something legit. You have a desire to invent something as a business which will make you money. Your training may have some usefulness but this isn't tested. There is little evidence here that suggests you have enough experience to validate your claims and implications.

I have nothing against learning something and making it your own. Or creating your own style. However, cashing in, twisting information,and false advertising, I personally find utterly disgusting. Please prove me wrong.
Another question is, if you have legit training in the Bujinkan, why would you not continue to an advanced level there instead of turning to a hard to understand or accurately translate 300+ year old document and then grafting in what you find missing?

The obvious question is :

If you're not teaching BBT, why are you using (quite liberally) the title "Shidoshi"?
id like to say that i do like tabis very much, but one should know that tabi tend to bend at the ankel therefore for certain jumps and movements, if your feet are not perfect, it is easier to twist ones ankle than with other shoes. maybe it's the illusion of ankle support.? i have experienced this a number of times once injuring myself badly from very high fall, the other times i twisted my ankle a few times on the trampoline. tabi require foottraining and very thoughtful motions...unless you juts use them for working or daily life.

although i do have lots of experience, here on ma, i am still just a yellow belt as you can see, but with this post, i will be one step closer to being a superbad blackbelt martial arts fighting machine.

Another question is, if you have legit training in the Bujinkan, why would you not continue to an advanced level there instead of turning to a hard to understand or accurately translate 300+ year old document and then grafting in what you find missing?

No, he's teaching an art of his own creation, so he can call himself whatever he wants.
No, he's teaching an art of his own creation, so he can call himself whatever he wants.

Did he start an art of his own creation? He uses the name ninjutsu which seems to be the name of an existing system. He also jumps into threads in the ninjutsu section to try to sell his service whenever someone wants a question about ninjutsu answered.

It seems to me that he wants to try to pass himself off as a teacher of ninjutsu.

And since he has added things like boxing punching to what he does and calls it ninjutsu, while Masaaki Hatsumi of the Bujinkan (who has formally studied boxing) has not, it seems that he is saying that he is saying that he is a better judge of what is and is not ninjutsu than the 34th grandmaster of Togakure ryu ninjutsu.
Did he start an art of his own creation? He uses the name ninjutsu which seems to be the name of an existing system. He also jumps into threads in the ninjutsu section to try to sell his service whenever someone wants a question about ninjutsu answered.

It seems to me that he wants to try to pass himself off as a teacher of ninjutsu.

And since he has added things like boxing punching to what he does and calls it ninjutsu, while Masaaki Hatsumi of the Bujinkan (who has formally studied boxing) has not, it seems that he is saying that he is saying that he is a better judge of what is and is not ninjutsu than the 34th grandmaster of Togakure ryu ninjutsu.

Besides the video internet service this is probably the true crux why it rankles people who study authentic Budo Taijutsu! Well said!
Did he start an art of his own creation? He uses the name ninjutsu which seems to be the name of an existing system. He also jumps into threads in the ninjutsu section to try to sell his service whenever someone wants a question about ninjutsu answered.


It seems to me that he wants to try to pass himself off as a teacher of ninjutsu.


And since he has added things like boxing punching to what he does and calls it ninjutsu, while Masaaki Hatsumi of the Bujinkan (who has formally studied boxing) has not, it seems that he is saying that he is saying that he is a better judge of what is and is not ninjutsu than the 34th grandmaster of Togakure ryu ninjutsu.

YES!!! You're right!

Of course, some people are into martial arts for the fun of learning an ancient art & thereby preserving said art, etc. Some folks feel that such arts may need improvement or updating. Some folks don't. Some arts may need such improvement to perform well in this, the 21st Century, while some may not.

Perhaps he feels that Sensei is simply trying to preserve these arts. Perhaps he feels that Sensei is simply banking in on folks fascinated by Ninja.
Perhaps he feels that Sensei is simply so much better than him that he needs to cut some off of his learning curve by boxing and wrestling.

I suppose we could ask the guy what in the world his motivations were for quiting after attaining Godan, the very rock bottom of instructional licenses in the Bujinkan, and running off to found some new art of which he is the sole authority since it is, of course, his baby.
I don't care about lineage and who taught who. I'm a firm believer in modernizing the MA world. Real world situations require an updating of training and techniques. But come on, enough with the crap kwan do. Videos and online training? Give me a break. People are going to buy into this pathetic method and really believe that they can defend themselves. You do a terrible service by endangering peoples lives with this fraud. Yes I'm calling you a fraud and a danger to people. You should be ashamed and you should be kicked off this site.