"I'm sorry Officer, I thought you asked for the "Special"

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Two police officers in Boston grew suspicious when they ordered coffee at Dunkin' Donuts and witnessed the worker slink out of sight to make their drinks. They turned their attention to a monitor with a camera in the back room and saw the worker allegedly add nasal mucus to their coffee. My Fox Boston reports the officers told the manager what they saw. The suspect was fired after the manager checked out the security tape. He now faces two counts of attempted simple assault.

Christopher Hildreth, 20, has been charged with two counts of attempted simple assault.

1- Don't add disgusting crap to other peoples food.
2- See #1
Disgusting people like that need to receive punishment appropriate to their crime. But our law doesn't work that way. But two counts of simple assault against policement may get his attention. At least he won't be doing it in front of cameras any more.