I'm really tired jejejeje!!!


Senior Master
Oh boy, today I feel very tired and slow, my arms and legs are feeling like concrete blocks!!!
Last night was like the firsth class when I was young, we start with warm up (calistecnics) then stretching mainly in the legs slowly but efective afther that we proced to do so me basic technics, are maki,ogul maki, motong an maki, some kiorugis (reverse punches) and 3 level ap chaguis (medium, medium high and high) an finished doing abbs cruches.

Well I endure the full class without pass on and that's a gain, my sambokin is a 7th degree WTF certified black belt and he's 52 years old.

Now I need to return on friday, and if all is ok then return every monday, wensday and friday of every week.

Yes, it was hard, my kicks were not well but afther 17 years or retirement and my overweigth I need to take things easy.


Glad you made it through!

Those pains feel familiar, eh?

Yes, also started back after a long hiatus... although it's been interupted some as of late...

Somehow, I feel like I've earned the pain more at 40... more so than I did in my 20's... or my early 30's (when I was last real active)...

Anyways, ENJOY!

PBWY & Amituofo!

Your Brother,

Sure, and I'm waiting for the lactic acid deposit in my legs but anyhow I took an alkaseltzer last night to ease a bit the pain.

I liked the last night class cause I'm the only practicing at night and this is a plus cause I can go at my own rithm and take deep braths afther every exercise.

The samboknim seems to understand my phisical condition and cheer me up and calm me down when it's necesary he told me: -Manny, I'm 52 and if I can do jumpig back kicks and spining jumping hook kicks... you sure will but it's gona take some time-

Anyhow I don't wana futurize myself I want do it one step at the time and try to not hurt musscle or bone.

Afther the class I drank a gatorade and have a light,very light dinner, took a bath and read some afther fall sleep.

At least you're out there giving it your all, while some others are sitting on their couches stuffing their faces with junk food...
Showing up is half the battle - keep showing up and you'll improve, maybe not to where you were 17 years ago, but it's likely that you wouldn't still be there anyway... darn the aging process anyway!
Manny remember it takes time to get back what you want from your training the path is a journey for ever have fun.
Well done for getting back in the Dojang Manny, Drac's right, if you feel you aren't fit enough just think of all those couch potatoes out there and remember you are doing, they are just wishing.

Take your time, thought it sounds liek you are doing that anyway and pay atention to that instructor, you have a gem there!
Good job Manny!

If you are not sore or at least stiff the next few days after training, you didn't train hard enough! (or you are a young whippersnapper :) )

Ouuuchhh!!!!! yes it hurts!! the back of my legs, this lactid acid is a bad boy jejejeje.
Well it's normal so long without exercise. Maybe today i can't attend TKD class cause I have an apointment with my doctor (dietician), let's see what the scale says (oh my gosh).

However monday is a must in the dojan.

Oh I know what you mean, though I am 23 years old. I have a new and interesting ache, wound, pain or funny walk after every class. Whats funny is I have work right after class. I seem to get a bit of respect when I limp into work, with a blood on my lips and a glint in my eye like I just had a rough night of sex.

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