I'm going to check out a school finally :P


Blue Belt
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
Grapevine, Texas
In about 5 minutes after I pull the directions from this site I am going to be checking out the COLLEYVILLE FAMILY KARATE CENTER
210 Grapevine Highway in Hurst.

I've heard alot of good things about this and has some very reconizeable teachers who visit there.

With the Head Instructor being Sifu Rob Hazlewood.
Am I correct if I guess it's Kempo? That's the only time I've heard of a head instructor taking the name "sifu" in a japanese (karate) art. If not, that would be strange because Karate is definitely not Chinese.

Whatever the case, go for it! Good luck checking it out. :)
Yes, teach American Kenpo Karate.

I checked it out, it was quite fun, I mean the assistant instructor came up to me right when I went in and asked me how I was doing and asked me if I was watching and if I came to look at the school.

I watched the kids do forms and I watched the advanced students do testing. It was 1 white, 1 orange, 1 blue, 2 greens, and 1 brown who was just assisting and then the instructor.

The instructor and the brown belt had very strong form and looked to know their forms quite well.

I was hoping to see sparring, since there was supposed to be sparring drills after that, but something came up and they weren't able to do it.

I am going back this saturday when they have open sparing at their school where other students from other schools are welcome to come in and spare with the Kenpo people.

THe assistant instructor was very nice so was the head instructor. The person who I got to see teaching kinda knew why I might of been in there, it was quite interesting what he had to say.

He was talking about how people who aren't trained made alot of mistakes and how anyone who is trained can monopolize on those mistakes. They have something they call salutation which is a form and a saying they do when they leave.

Also he talked about things I'd like learn, like points of attack and looking differently at an attacker. Also that the system is more self-defense based. He mention'd TKD and said that its hard for them to be practical when they're main area of attacking is kicks.

So when they come in to spar he tries to get in close on them.

It was very fun and they all talked to me, all the students and instructors, even the parents that were watching there kids said hi. It was very enjoyable and I hope to join :) I still haven't asked about costs but I don't think that it will be to bad.
Originally posted by Angus

Am I correct if I guess it's Kempo? That's the only time I've heard of a head instructor taking the name "sifu" in a japanese (karate) art. If not, that would be strange because Karate is definitely not Chinese.

Whatever the case, go for it! Good luck checking it out. :)

Kenpo has roots in both countries, hence the two different
spellings of the art. The term Karate being linked to it, e.g.
"American Kenpo Karate" has it's own story to it as well, which
is an American system, with mostly Chinese roots.
Nono, I understand why Kenpo/Kempo use it (I actually meant Kenpo the first time). Same reason why they use chinese salutes in the beginning/ending of each class. Just that the only other times I've seen "sifu" used with a non-chinese art was a bogus school. However, sounds like all is good, and Kenpo is a great art. Based on the description, I would highly recommend it. Nice instructors + students with good form = good.
Seriously Carbon, even if the school isn't that great it would be a good experience for you to train there for a while at least. But it sounds good. I've been to alot of schools and I value my time at all of them regardless.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
When people introduce their Sifu to me and say, "This is my Sifu." I always want to say, "Bless you," afterwards. Somtimes I do and people don't catch on to what i am saying.
Lol :p The assistant instructor was the first to introduce himself.

Then the head instructor introduced himelf then at the end of his class after I was talking to some of the students who were on the side talked to me.

The teacher introduced himself to me and talked to me for a minute.

He seem'd very excited about what he was talking about it was quite funny when he was talking to the white belt.

He was talking about parry's and showing some manuvers you could do with them, he was acting like a guy was there and was like, and then I can throw his fist right into my elbow thats not good, or I can parry outside and go for his kidney's har.

I guess you had to be there it was pretty amusing.