im feeling lost


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
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Do ever watch those talent shows on TV? A person comes on an sings and then Simon Cowell tells them they have no talent or potential ability? The ‘singer’ says, “Well that’s your opinion, I’m going to continue with my quest.” ignoring Cowell’s huge experience in the field of ‘pap’ music.

In the USA they say you can be anything you want if you work hard enough, even president of the USA. It’s not true. I’m short, fat and lazy so it’s highly likely I will not be an Olympic 100 metres champion regardless of how hard I train.

Have a frank discussion with your boxing coach (sounds like he’s made his point very clear) to be sure you’re talentless in boxing. Cut your losses and try your hand at something else. At 17 years old there are many things you can try and possibly even excel.


Green Belt
Feb 5, 2017
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Richmond VA, USA
Slow learners don't always stay behind. Set goals that are achievable. Be the best boxer you can be. When you get there, set a new goal.

When I started out in my early 20's, I had a Japanese Ju-Jitsu sensei who was kind of a "drill instructor" type come up to me in class and say, "I think I've figured out what your problem is."

I said, "What is that, sensei?

He said, "You're uncoordinated!" Then he walked away. The class got a laugh and I felt about two inches tall. But I went on to do well in the martial arts. Not a world champion, but a solid player.


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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Even if you were extremely talented, extremely dedicated, had the best possible coaching, and started young - statistically speaking you most likely would never become a world champion. It's hard to find exact numbers, but there are probably 25,000 - 30,000 professional boxers active in the world and many, many more amateurs. Only a handful of those will ever become world champions.

If you put aside that focus for the moment, there is some good news.

Talent is not the limiting factor for most people. Very few people in the world will ever reach the limit of what is possible with their particular natural talent and genetic gifts - in any field. Time, dedication, consistent hard work, open mindedness, good coaching, and an intelligent approach to learning and improvement make a much bigger difference.

Part of that intelligent approach to improvement is focusing on achievable goals based on where you are right now. If you are brand new to boxing, your immediate goal should be learning fundamental skills so you can safely spar. If you are to the point where you've learned the basics and are sparring well, then your immediate goal should be sharpening your skills and fitness in preparation for your first amateur fight. If you are already competing at an amateur level, then your goal should be to learn from the fights you've had what aspects of your game you need to improve in order to win more fights. If you are competing successfully at an amateur level locally, then you should focus on what you need to win at higher levels of competition. If you already have a strong amateur record, you might consider going pro, taking into account the differences between amateur and professional boxing, if you have fought professionally, then you need to focus on the lessons learned from those fights in order to win more and find higher level opponents. Only once you are already competing at a very high level do you really need to start concerning yourself with a path to a world championship.
There is one thing, though. When you and I were kids there was only one boxing organization, now there's four. So at least there's four times the likelihood of becoming a champ.

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
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Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
becoming world champion,
Have you considered that the day when you become the world champion, people will knock on your front door daily and try to beat you up. Is that the kind of life that you want to live for the rest of your life?

A: I want to be the world champion. But I don't want to go through all the tournament competition. What can I do?
B: Just try to beat up the world champion.


Blue Belt
Nov 30, 2007
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Spring Hill, FL
Don't give up, and work harder. At 17 you can either waste your opportunities or be realistic. Go that extra mile. If you want to be a world champion at anything you have to put the work into it, and save back the money to achieve your dreams.

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