I'm buying my first camera ... I hope.


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
I'd love some advice if you wouldn't mind.

In short, I have a couple of immediate needs for it. First, I'm moving and of course it would be useful for documentation. But better yet, after slapping the moving truck on the butt I want to do my own travel as a fun road trip, along the historic Oregon Trail route. And of course capture all my friends and local sights here before I leave.

I need something as idiot-proof as possible, because I've only ever used disposable cameras before. I'm pretty clueless about photography. It has to be digital, and I'd like something in the low to mid price range. In a perfect world, I'd have it my hot little paws within 48 hours so I can take it to a conference I'm attending this week too.

I'd appreciate any suggestions ... thanks!

I'd suggest hitting the local Best Buy, and checking out their pocket cameras by Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus and Kodak. Any that you like, jot down the model and look up reviews for it at the link above, and at Amazon.com. I've used cameras from all 5 vendors and been happy.
I bought my Canon G10 (midrange) and my DSLR from Best Buy, main reason is because their extended warranty will cover just about any kind of accidental damage. I had my G10 out for service after the picture quality started degrading, they replaced it with a rebuilt unit, no questions asked. Secondary reason: they are just up the block from me. :D
I'm by no means a "photographer". I got a nice, simple digital camera for Christmas and I love it.

It's the Nikon Cool Pix. It's easy to use and for my purposes (friends, family, pets, holidays, etc.), takes very nice photos.
We're a hardcore Nikon family....D300, D90, 5 Nikon lenses and a coolpix, love them all!

My biggest suggestion is FIRST figure out what you NEED to do, then figure out what you WANT to do, then figure out if you know enough to do it, THEN pick the camera!

I departed from my usual habit of several weeks of obsessive research today by simply walking into Best Buy and grabbing the one I liked best. It was a little more that I originally intended to spend, but I'm really excited about it. I just came home and plugged it in, and I'll have some fun playing around with it before packing it along for my conference this weekend.

Thanks for the advice, everyone!


I departed from my usual habit of several weeks of obsessive research today by simply walking into Best Buy and grabbing the one I liked best. It was a little more that I originally intended to spend, but I'm really excited about it. I just came home and plugged it in, and I'll have some fun playing around with it before packing it along for my conference this weekend.

Thanks for the advice, everyone!


Cool! Have fun and post some pics for us! :) :asian:
Best Buy offers the most camera for the money, other than Cosco....but alil extra money spent will give lots more options.....Try Best Buys, "PowerShot SX20 by Canon".
Have Fun!
I'd like to show off a little of my handiwork, but I only know how to insert an image from another website. How can I do it directly from my computer?
I'd like to show off a little of my handiwork, but I only know how to insert an image from another website. How can I do it directly from my computer?

I think you have to be a supporting member to attach pics.
If you're not a Supporting Member, you can always simply provide the link to a Photobucket, Flickr, or similar account for people to follow, too...
My Sony turned out to be defective - after going through a couple of batteries and chargers and still only getting about 5 shots per charge, I gave it back to the store. Then I replaced it with something a little less fancy - the Nikon Coolpix.

Here, for your amusement, are some of my early efforts. Keep in mind this is the first camera I've ever owned, so I have a learning curve ahead ...

My city skyline.

Me being a smartass on the Chicago Metra line.

My dog doing what he does best.

DBSA 2009 Chapter of the year baby!!

These were all taken with the Sony, and now that I see the first shot blown up I'm glad I returned the camera. It's supposed to compensate for motion, and apparently it didn't in that first shot. I like it anyway. Feedback is welcome, especially wildly ecstatic praise.
night shooting is a challenge because you need longer exposures to catch the limited light. Best shooting is done on a tripod to help eliminate shake. Otherwise, decent shots.
Thank you! That means a lot, coming from a professional. I'll post a couple more when I get a chance.
Please do. :)

I'm struggling with fireworks shots. I only get a few hours a year to practice and just can't get the nack yet. Night shots, tripod, a couple second exposure, right around dusk when the skys still a little blue and I can get good shots.

The group shot, pull in a little tighter in the framing. Guy in the blue should be in closer, the lady holding the plaque a hair farther over with a similar adjustment to the lady behind you to let a little more light hit her face. Gent with the glasses a hair more over as well so you can see his whole face. Group shots are hard as no matter how you pose folks, they drift. I've suggested staples to hold em in place at times. :)

I like the subway shot. It's different. :) Dog shot could be a hair lower just to get a little more paw in the shot.

ok, I nitpicked. :)
Funny you should post about getting a new camera.

I just bought my wife a Olympus E-3 DSLR body with two different Zuiko lenses, extra battery, bag, compact flash cards and a usb to compact flash card adapter for her mother's day gift. Her last camera was an Olympus C-2100 ultra-zoom and needed to be upgraded.

You DO NOT want to know what it cost :erg: (although Bob H probably does), however, she is a good mother, a great wife and deserves it. I was happy I could do this for her.

She is a photography nut and has a natural eye, with no formal training she has had professionals tell her that her work is great!

Good luck with your picture taking and have fun.


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