I'm back too.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
The Desert
Hello again, MT!

First, I must apologize to some of the senior members and staff here. My departure, or more accurately, disappearance such as it was, though not ill intended should have been handled better. You deserved better. I realize I burned a few bridges and only hope to rebuild at least some of them. I can only say, without going into detail, that my hiatus was much needed and leave it at that for now.

Along with some "seasoned" veterans, I see many new faces here and look forward to talking to you on the boards.

Don I for one am glad to see you back, you have been missed by atleast me. I hope all is weel and we can have some enlightful converstation again.
Hey Don, nice to see you again. Welcome back!!
Welcome back!

You know....there is an accumulated pile of empty lager glasses in the B&G that need cleaning if you really want to burn some penance? ;)
Welcome back!

You know....there is an accumulated pile of empty lager glasses in the B&G that need cleaning if you really want to burn some penance? ;)

I brought my apron in hopes of just such an invitation.