If they had taught me this technique in Ninjutsu, I probably would have stuck with it.

That is supremely awful, Tony. 10 demerits for the concept. 10 demerits for the lederhosen.
10 demerits for the lederhosen.
Hey, don't diss Takeo Ishii for wearing the cultural attire appropriate to his chosen art form. He learned from Franzl Lang, who was known to rock some lederhosen in his time.
I actually saw this on Instagram. I have it saved for when I feel down. Funny Stuff. :chicken:
I’m picturing @Tony now, rocking the Lederhosen and matching Tyrolean hat, just hanging around the dojo, choking out people who yodel while warming up.
That is the most surreal thing I’ve seen in a very, very long time
You know when people ask the question what super power would you have?

And you answered the ability to yodel basic farm animals into ninja warriors.

If anyone would get it?