I need some honest answers. I have my first-aid kit ready for any answer that I may not like. I need some honest answers no matter how uncomfortable it is for me.
If I were to open a new school in your area. What would be some of the questions you might ask me in regards to the school or classes that I offer. Feel free to think of it even from a curiosity perspective even though you knew you weren't going to Join. Or think about it as a serious inquiry about looking for a martial arts to train.
Feel free to base your questions on what you know of me or if you don't know of me.
Thanks in advance.
Here's the Scenario.
I'm opening a Jow Ga Kung Fu school 5 miles from where you live or work. Which ever works out best for you, and you decided to see what it was about. What questions would you ask me?
Based on what I've seen you post on this forum I'd have 3 questions:
1. When can I start?
2. What's the schedule?
3. How much does it cost? (I'd drop this question if I weren't in between tech contracts and money is tight)
Assuming I knew nothing about the instructor this is what I'd be trying to find out:
1. Tell me about Jow Ga - what are the base principles, how does it approach power generation, defense, footwork, etc.? Are there a lot of high kicks or movements that are going to require me to have more flexibility than I did when I was in my 20's? What do you find exciting or special about Jow Ga?
2. How does training work at your school, what are the classes like? How much focus on fitness vs. forms vs. martial application? Do you spar? If so, how long before that starts? What is it like, how hard is the contact, what sort of protective gear, etc.? How do you address the bad habits that sparring can introduce for self defense application? If you don't spar, how do you address the problems that
not sparring can introduce for self defense application? Who's teaching the classes, you, an advanced student, some random dude you hired 6 months ago with a black belt in TKD (I'd be more polite than that but I'd want to know)? What's your/their background and qualifications to teach Jow Ga? Who will I be training with? Kids? Other beginners? Some mix?
3. What's the schedule? Work can be unpredictable, is it acceptable to show up late?
4. How much does it cost, including testing fees? (I'd drop this question if I weren't in between tech contracts and money is tight)
5. Do you offer private lessons and how much do they cost? How flexible are you about the structure of your private lessons (I'm probably the only person that would ever ask this)?
6. I'm borrowing # 3 from
@paitingman Any community or crosstraining? I'm going to ask this a lot in the future. It's something that I've always just kind of allowed to come out organically but I think this is a fantastic question to address directly!
7. What sort of school culture do you promote? Formal, relaxed, club like or very commercial? Do you try to place restrictions on who I train with or what I study outside of class?