If I say...


White Belt
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
If I say "10 step number 1"... do any of you here know what I am talking about?
I know what one steps are and the number one we do. But I am not formiliar with 10 step.
Ding Ding... You got it Miguksaram... Just Kidding. Back in the late 80's, 89 or so, When I started out at a white belt, the first poomsae I learned (I know it is not a real poomsae, it was just a form we learned..) was what my Sa Bum Neem called 10 step number 1. It was exactly 10 steps from beggining to end. I am sure now that it is something a lot of other people didn't do (probably made up) but I wanted to know if anyone had heard it, seen it, or etc. Just for reference, I trained under Jun Lee in NC.
I would reply "The chicken is in the bunny hole"....This is secret spy code stuff right?

The fox crows at midnight..... when the cock has been silenced...

I do know that we split up Chun-Ji for the young White Belts, so they end up learning it in two parts. It does come out to 10 steps and 9 steps that way.
You know Jim, that could be right for what I am looking for because I remember a 10 step number 2 as well. That would kind of make sense.
Nope, I haven't heard of them, either. Are they perhaps lke the Chung Do Kwan Kibons. They have 8 steps each.
In my old club we did a form as white belts called 10 Basics Part 1, which you had to demonstrate to become yellow tag. For yellow belt you had to perform Taeguek Il Jang and a form called 10 Basics Part 2. For green tag it was Taeguek Ee Jang and 10 Basics part 3, and so on.

There were 6 of these 10 Basics forms altogether, all performed stationary from either front, back or horse stance. Each of the 10 basics forms contained, well, I'll let the geniuses (genii??) amongst us work out how many techniques they contained!! :D :D
THAT IS IT!!!! It was all from the front back and horse stance. I remember the first one went right into the horse stance. Thanks! Do you remember how the first one went?

THAT IS IT!!!! It was all from the front back and horse stance. I remember the first one went right into the horse stance. Thanks! Do you remember how the first one went?


Sorry, I don't remember the specific details of the forms, as I've not trained with that club for a while and my new club don't do the Ten Basics forms so I'm seriously out of practise with them.

I can remember little bits of each one (such as a high rising block, each arm, followed by an inner block, each arm all performed from horse stance) but I can't remember enough of each of the Ten Basics forms to be able to type out each one step-by-step. :(
Now I can safely say.. That's what I was talking about. Thanks! are you in Raleigh, or florida?
PackFan are you in Raleigh? I have relatives in the Triangle, including a couple of fine young people that hope to be attending State in September. ;)
From Raleigh.. I am stationed in DC at the moment. I love STATE though!!!! Great school.
The forms you are referring to are unique to Master Lee's schools. They are the first two forms that new students learn prior to beginning the Taegeuks.

You can find them here


Not my favorite demos of the two forms but these are the only videos on the web as far as I know.

Ten Step One is very similar to the first Ten Basics form we did at my old club, with the block to start, the horse stance and the punches to finish.

All of the other Ten Basics forms we did were stationary, so they're not similar to Ten Step Two.

Interesting to see the same concept being used in a very similar way on both sides of the Atlantic, though! :)