If I Need Help . . . .


Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
I have found the students in a Wing Chun kwoon almost always become a very close knit group. So close in fact that a lot of times they claim to be willing to die for their Wing Chun brothers or sisters if called upon to assist them in a combat situation. They are just like our blood siblings.

I knew someone years ago who claimed on many occasions being called by his WC brothers to come and help in a fight because the odds were stacked against them. And him going without giving it a second notice because his WC family needed him.

Maybe it was like that in China, or HK a few years back. You see it in the chinese movies all the time. But today, maybe . . . maybe not. I'm not so sure.

So the question, is it still like that today? Do you believe you can call up your WC kwoon brother(s) or sister(s) and have them back you up? And can they call on you if needed? No matter the situation?
Stories, memories, and movies happen in a magic place called "A perfect world" where your WC bretheren are all outstanding individuals and everyone else are trouble makers and hoods.
Any situation? Like your ego writes a check your skills can't cash? No, learn your lesson.

If we're out together doing something and something bad goes down, yes absolutely, but that goes for anybody I'm with.

But if you're in a bad way and you need help, why are you calling your kwoon brothers in the first place and not the police? This isn't the kung-fu wild west, or Japanese occupied Hong Kong.
Do you believe you can call up your WC kwoon brother(s) or sister(s) and have them back you up? And can they call on you if needed? No matter the situation?

I have known a couple of the guys I train with for nearly 30 years, but the answer is no.

If my si dai called me and was desperate for money, food, or a roof over his head, I'd be there for him. Or if we were together and either one of us were attacked... we'd stand together. But we are mature individuals with professions and families. We don't get involved in gang type fights involving vendettas and so forth. If either of us had that kind of problem, we'd call the police, not our kung-fu brothers. To do otherwise seems insane to me.
Tis a very romantic sentiment, going to war for your WT Brethren, one very close to my heart in fact, I always feel like I belong in a time where combat is a day to day survival skill.. and perhaps there are a few people whom I would go to aide unquestionably, however like the others have said, the times aren't quite ripe for such behavior these days, however, if one were to make such an exception, make sure your following your heart, the strong and knowning soft side.
I must be an odd duck, maybe I don't get it... but I look at MAs as recreation with about the same regard as taking a basket weaving class. Would anyone die for their basket weaving brothers and sisters?
i,m with blindsage on this one.. if i,m out then whoever i,m with i,ll back up......... unless they started something i didnt agree with or couldnt get them out of it with my negotiation skillz.
but i only have a two friends-childhood stuff since we were 3!, that if they called and were in big trouble then i would be there for them whatever!
but as already said we have rreal lives and responsibilites to adhere to.
my kids on the other hand..... there is nothing i wouldnt do¬!

Exactly as Matsu says....not got any kids (yet!!) but if my family was in peril then yes there isnt much I wouldnt do. Although I would probably end up getting a good shoeing due to my poor WC skills.:(
Others have already taken the words out of my mouth. If I`m there and something happens I`ll back my friends to keep them from getting hurt. If they started something stupid I might let them take a few I-told-you-so- shots to learn thier lesson first. But this idea that my friends can call me and then wait for me to arrive to help them in a fight? That`s not self defense, it`s an ******* with an ego problem.

If they have time to wait for me to arrive, they have time to leave or call the cops. None of my friends would be stupid enought to let themselves get into some kind of cowboy crap like that.
I would definately help them, but we dont look for trouble.
For instance, outside class we were just talking and a drunk rowdy guy with a bust nose comes over with his friend talking trash, he wanted my bmx, we talked him out of it because we were calm, joking about a bit and showed face but that was one of those situations Im referring to, confrontations.
Funnily enough, this has happened a few times!
My students seem to be very protective of me (bless them), but I'm not sure whether that is because they see me as a father figure or because they are trying to prove themselves

I was in a bar once and this guy smashed into my shoulder as he went past. I chuckled because I knew he jsut wanted to start trouble. The guy turned round and started swearing at me and one of my students leapt at him like a rabid animal!!

I hate fighting and have had more than my fair share of nasty encounters

It is nice to have a close group of students who look out for each other. My group is more like a dysfunctional family, but they are a great bunch of guys and gals

I've been to some schools which were just like factory chains and you almost got lost amongst the numbers of students that trained. You couldn't even remember most of the people's names and most disappeared after the training session had ended