I wish I'd gotten into tactical training this early

I too was lucky enough to get an early start in the shooting world. My dad taught me how to shoot when I was about 5 and by the time I was in high-school, I owned 3 or 4 different guns. I just didn't get to do anything as cool as that.


In high school I had a H&R .22 drop out cylinder revolver. The electric shop teacher had a Browning FN .25. He had lost the magazine, and it having a magzine safety, it would not fire. So we traded guns in the parking lot of the school! Now try THAT today!

No, I started IPSC in college (just as I stared TKD in the same college.) At Nacogodoches they had 'walk-n-draw' like Cooper was doing at Bear Lake. Two guys just walk toward a pair of stop plates on a fence post. Signal comes to draw (whistle, they didn't have timers back then) and both would try to knock their plate off the fence post before the other one could. I learned alot about fast shooting that way! It was fun as heck.

To me all high schools ought to have gun safety and maybe a riflely class. .22 lr rifles would be perfect.

Here's another video of the same young lady playing with an AR-15. The little flick with the bolt before she puts it back into the receiver tells me that she knows exactly what she's doing.

I watched the other one of her doing the same thing after a bit more practice.

She seems very quick in that one and also much more assured (not that she seemed unassured in this one :D).

I have to say that the more I've been around the level headed 'firearms' people here at MT the more I have become convinced of what I've always thought - disarming the law abiding population serves no purpose but to render them defenceless without doing a thing to prevent crime.

I'm sure that a firearms 'ban' does prevent some accidental deaths that occur through through reckless behaviour and I don't want to make light of that gain. But, in the cities especially, I would've thought that even a cold and callous 'numbers' game would show that 'good guys' who can fight back reduce the death toll of the non-criminal by quite a margin.

Anyhow, it's late and I'm starting to thread-drift (with the best of intentions :D), so I'd better sign off :o.
Here's another video of the same young lady playing with an AR-15. The little flick with the bolt before she puts it back into the receiver tells me that she knows exactly what she's doing.

yep, that video was posted on getoffthex.com (tactical response's forum). When James Yeager (the owner) saw the vid, he gave her a free class.

Sukerin said:
I'm sure that a firearms 'ban' does prevent some accidental deaths that occur through through reckless behaviour and I don't want to make light of that gain. But, in the cities especially, I would've thought that even a cold and callous 'numbers' game would show that 'good guys' who can fight back reduce the death toll of the non-criminal by quite a margin.
Despite what the Brady Bunch claims, there are relatively few accidental firearms deaths (compared to other causes of accidental death), so banning guns to reduce accidental deaths is a non-starter. There really is NO good reason to prohibit ownership of firearms by law-abiding citizens.
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Despite what the Brady Bunch claims, there are relatively few accidental firearms deaths (compared to other causes of accidental death), so banning guns to reduce accidental deaths is a non-starter. There really is NO good reason to prohibit ownership of firearms by law-abiding citizens.

Japan has far more suicides than the U.S. and they have banned ALL guns!


The U.S. is 43ed. And if you look, most of the countries above us have very strict gun control. So how is banning guns gonna lower the suicide rate?


Also WHO, gives their take on this above.

In fact every site I googled showed Japan having way way more suicides than the U.S. And Russia is just out of sight!

The liberals are just trying to find some excuse to get around the 2nd Amendment. Their efforts are transparent at best, dishonest at least, and flat liars and snake oil salesmen at worst.

Japan has far more suicides than the U.S. and they have banned ALL guns!


The U.S. is 43ed. And if you look, most of the countries above us have very strict gun control. So how is banning guns gonna lower the suicide rate?


Also WHO, gives their take on this above.

In fact every site I googled showed Japan having way way more suicides than the U.S. And Russia is just out of sight!

The liberals are just trying to find some excuse to get around the 2nd Amendment. Their efforts are transparent at best, dishonest at least, and flat liars and snake oil salesmen at worst.

I think that suicides are entirely irrelavent in the discussion of firearms. I am entirely of the opinion that

1) Suicide is an individual choice.
2) Guns do not MAKE people commit suicide, they are merely a facilitator of suicide.

The suicide angle is a red-herring on the part of the Brady Bunch and should be dismissed outright as being as fallacious as the Brady Bunch calling a 19 year old gang banger killed by police a 'child' for the purposes of jacking up the 'children killed by guns' statistic.

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