I paid $3.85 for a gallon of gas today

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Driving 76 miles round trip to work 5 days a week. Driving another 10 miles round trip every night for misc things. Driving another 125 miles on the weekends... Hell, I don't even want to do the math.

What are you paying where you live?

Don't worry though. It'll be around $4.50 by the end of summer.

Oil shortage/refinery fire in east nowhereland/war/worries over Iran/Iraq/unrest in South America/Dick Cheney had a tummy ache/etc

There'll be a good reason for it.

It'll have nothing to do with refineries running at 80% capacity, not enough refineries, or record breaking profits by the US Oil cartels. Nope, none at all. Just ask Congress who is yet again 'looking into it'.
I'll be riding my Harley a lot this Summer...
3.33 here... no road trip this summer... no weekend visits home... no driving around just to drive anymore :(
QUI-GON said:
I paid $385 for a gallon of gas today

Welcome to Canada! :D :partyon: :lol: :lol2:

Lets see at $1.20 per litre x 3.785 (# of litres in US gallon) = $4.54 Cdn

Oh dear...why did I figure it out...that is just damn depressing...:(
We pay £1.90 a litre at the cheapest end, but at the moment it's about £1.96 a litre. I'll leave that for you bright sparks that are more awake than me to figure out.

It's darned expensive over here I'll tell you, if you paid our "gas" prices all the time you'd think 100 miles was a long way too.
(For those too lazy £1.90 a litre = £7.22 per US Gallon - There are around 2 US dollars to 1 GBP at the moment and that's the cheapest so I'll pay your $3.85 for a gallon please)
When my Honda was in the shop, a fellow I used to work with e-mailed me saying he had to sell his Acura RDX and asked me if I wanted to buy it for a great price. I went for a ride with him and just freaking LOVED that car.

We went cruising about for about 20 miles and on the way back we stopped for gas...and that's when my dream of owning the RDX ended. The RDX takes premium fuel. No way I can do that with my 100 mile a day commute. :(
Driving 76 miles round trip to work 5 days a week. Driving another 10 miles round trip every night for misc things. Driving another 125 miles on the weekends... Hell, I don't even want to do the math.

What are you paying where you live?

So far, I've seen it as low at $3.07 and as high as $3.29. My wife and I each have an SUV. She drives about 24 mi. round trip to work. I'm less than that, although I havent taken an exact tally. We switch vehicles every other day, so that helps. I stinks though, and I wish it would drop, although I don't see that happening.
I paid $3.19 in Columbus Ohio. I drive a SUV now so I'm thinking about getting an older motorcycle for local travel, but I've laid down every bike I've ever rode (all 4). Even though they have been all dirt bikes I was getting brave (stupid)on. I'm a little nervous about riding one around in the city.
I paid 3.29 for mid-grade in Lexington, Kentucky today, and it had dipped below the $3 bar for about an hour during the week. Thinking when I finally get settled again, the Lincoln is goin to take a dirt nap and a new motorcycle will be coming around... along with some planning for a winter vehicle. :D

Don't worry though. It'll be around $4.50 by the end of summer.

Oil shortage/refinery fire in east nowhereland/war/worries over Iran/Iraq/unrest in South America/Dick Cheney had a tummy ache/etc

There'll be a good reason for it.

It'll have nothing to do with refineries running at 80% capacity, not enough refineries, or record breaking profits by the US Oil cartels. Nope, none at all. Just ask Congress who is yet again 'looking into it'.

Just imagine what the prices will be when a hurricane goes through the Gulf of Mexico this summer. I am looking into a horse and buggy for my transportation, maybe a schooner for family trips.
Here today it is $1.38 australian per litre, which converts to $4.40 US per gallon.
Just filled up this morning. $3.17. This is the unleaded price.


This price is about .12 cheaper than 2 other stations nearby.
$3.35 right next to where I work. It seems like it changed over night. One day it cost $35 to fill my tank, the next it was $40.
$3.35 right next to where I work. It seems like it changed over night. One day it cost $35 to fill my tank, the next it was $40.

Dont ya just love that? I drive by a Mobil station on my way to work. I glanced at the price as I went by. Coming home later that same night, I did a double take, because the price went up .06!! I thought to myself, "Gee, they waste no time." LOL!