I may have to go back to Christianity ...


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Philadelphia cable television network's early morning broadcast of a Good Friday service at the Vatican abruptly changed to something wildly different — a racy 30-second "Girls Gone Wild" ad.
Comcast spokesman Jeff Alexander says the 2 a.m. Friday programming glitch was due to a required test of the Emergency Alert System. He says such tests are usually done in the overnight hours.
The test automatically tunes viewers to a preselected channel that would provide information in the event of an emergency. But during tests, the channel airs regular programming, which in this case included a paid advertisement for the racy videos.
Alexander says the problem affected the network's entire local area, but only one person called to complain.

A programming glitch...

It may depend on whether nudie chicks can make you move your groove!!!!

"Broadcasting 'rule of one' - no matter how odd the hour, 'one' person is always tuned in"
Furthermore ... would this incident qualify as a "wardrobe malfunction?"
To the dude Omar who said "Even nude women in my bedroom would not make me go into Christianity.

You dont have to go into Christianity, but I hope you have a greater sense of purpose? Just preparing for and fighting people, or just making money, or looking to get laid, in the long run is empty. The unexamined life is not worth it.

Oh I have a great sense of purpose man. Always surprises me when people think that because I'm not religious I must have no sense of values or ethics. Purpose, values and ethics exist even without christianity.
My in box being filled with emails from people on this site who didn't care to leave their usernames but had to tell me off was funny. Guess they realized dropping f-bombs and the like could get them kicked off but they had to share. But remember, I'm the a-hole here. ;)
That can't be true, Omar, or at least not to my knowledge. It is impossible to send a PM using the MT system without using your username.

Or do you mean 'real' e-mail, in which case that is, sadly, your own problem (more properly the problem of your Spam filter) and you can't, in that case, tell that those people are from this site.
Nope, they were real emails dude. They didn't sign them with their names or usernames but they did talk about what I said in the thread which was about 2 weeks old at the time ... but then that thread took on a life of it's own without me even being in the country. Deleted them, what ya gonna do right.

No worries though. I don't care to think about who acts and talks all honorable and righteous on here but acts that way behind a curtain.
Nope, they were real emails dude. They didn't sign them with their names or usernames but they did talk about what I said in the thread which was about 2 weeks old at the time ... but then that thread took on a life of it's own without me even being in the country. Deleted them, what ya gonna do right.

No worries though. I don't care to think about who acts and talks all honorable and righteous on here but acts that way behind a curtain.

None of them were from me, rest assured. I commnted in thread about your belly button lint, but as I said in the thread, that was meant as a joke.
Well that last bit I certainly stand with you on, Omar.

To my mind there's no point castigating someone 'privately' for their views if it's not going to be a dialogue - that has as much effect as my yelling at some lying politician on the TV :D.