I love korean martial arts


Senior Master
Well, even I am learning American Kempo I have to tell you my love for korean martial arts is strong as ever. I began in MA with TKD, would love to learn HKD but there is no HKD Dojang in my city, at least a good and respetable one.

American Kenpo is teaching me some nice moves and combos and it's a good MA but Traditional TKD is very complete too. I think TSD has to be awesome.

Talking about MA My lineaje and heritage is korean.

Well, a big part of it recently is just familiarity. I am very familiar and comfortable with the Korean language and culture. There is also a lot of cross over between various KMA's, so it isn't too bad going between them. So far, I've trained in 3 styles of KMA and in each one I find something different.

From what I have experienced of the Japanese styles (not much), I prefer the Korean paradigm of movement a bit more, more cross over with the chinese influence than the Japanese movements, so more "soft" I would say.
I can understand the preference for a certain language or terminology. I don't agree about the movement generalizations however. Movement in any martial art is as hard or soft, linear or circular as the teacher chooses to make it.
I love the KMA too, but you can't go wrong as long as you get to hit something every class whether it be a target, shield, bag, or person. When we do kali, one of the cool things is banging sticks long and hard enough to smell them when they heat up. Of course, training for me is a form of catharsis, your motivation may vary....
I had some exposure to Karate Shotokan, some judo and some aikido and now I'am learning Kenpo (recentrly I goy my yellow belt), I love all the MA but there are some I prefer over others like TKD or Classic TKD I must say, not the Olimpic Style Kyorugi thing.


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