I hate my neighbors......

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
If it's not the drunks drinking at 6am, or cutting their lawn at 2am, or the trash kids making a mess and disrupting traffic, or the inbreds next to the drunks having their 3x weekly family feud, it's the nympho across the street howling in heat at all hours of the day. Right now, it's the latter. I swear she's gotta have a platoon over there the way she's barking.....

I so need to move.
+1 on that. Or to quote a great dilbert comic: 'I figured out what's wrong with life: other people'.

That said, we are the youngest family in the street in a good neigborhood. The rest all have kids that left home so it's fairly quiet.
Bob you need to move to Michigan and live in the great lakes state and up north with the wild men. You certainly will not have some of those problems.
We currently have a band living and practicing in the house next door. We had a talk with them already, so they have agreed to shut their practices (which are LOUD) down by 8. Problem is, they suck. I mean, REALLY suck. I hope they have good day jobs. Ugh.
We had a band 2 streets away. The drunker you got, the better they were.
Problem is, I don't drink, so they never got better.
And I was getting hot under the collar about a couple of ever-barking Jack Russels's! Good lord, Bob. that sounds like hell to me; a man who loves his peace and quiet.
I live smack dab in the middle of an apple orchard. I can run 'round the yard naked if I want. We lived "in town" for quite some time and I hated it. The worst I have to deal with now are the occassional bear or coyote in the yard when I leave for work at 2:30 in the morning.
I live smack dab in the middle of an apple orchard. I can run 'round the yard naked if I want. We lived "in town" for quite some time and I hated it. The worst I have to deal with now are the occassional bear or coyote in the yard when I leave for work at 2:30 in the morning.
I'm borrowing your place for some shoots sometime. :D
In my last neighborhood I shared a townhouse wall with domestically violent hardcore alcoholic white trash. Down the street was the 6' emotionally unbalanced teddy bear who thought I was his best friend; he'd dive bomb me with bear hugs every time he saw me. Did I mention he was the groundskeeper for my complex with access to everyone's keys? I was afraid to complain to the management because of that key access, so I avoided him as best I could.

Ultimately I solved that problem by moving to a new complex in a crack hood. It's next to an interstate, and right under the main flight path to the airport. I feel much better now.

I do not mean to be glib and but Bob you are glib too with your situation and then it is not easy to take you seriously see? And but I imagine that this would be sorely troubling and stressful for you. Yes we have corner youths here at the end of the street here too, doped, drunk, boisterous and being something in martial arts does not make it any less intimidating to go by then even in the car.

So if you are being serious then I do empathise. Some good resourceful person here mobilised a neighbourhood group, and subsequently becoming proactive seemed to get the Met Police involved more readily.

True, though there is still a little bother, it is certainly better now that it had been years before. I do not know if you have such a thing as a neighbourhood group that can get together and liaise with police and partner with the local authorities [do not know if there is a US equivalent that operate the Environmental Health policies and Noise Nuisance]?

It is no laughing matter losing sleep or feeling intimidated no matter how tough you are and but I think you would be the very man to pick up the phone and know who to call and get the ball rolling with some prevention.. I wish you well and I hope it all passes by quickly for you, Jnna xo
Jenna, I think you're referring to this?


It is wonderful that you are taking the steps to start a Neighborhood Watch group in your neighborhood. The first step is talking to your fellow neighbors about starting a group. The next step is contacting your local law enforcement agency. Invite them to meet with your group at a time and place convenient for your Watch Group. It is essential for your group to work in collaboration with law enforcement because Neighborhood Watch is a cooperative effort. If law enforcement is unavailable to come to the first meeting you might want to have a meeting to discuss the concerns and issues in the neighborhood....

I was a member of my local one for a while. It's hard to say how effective it is, because we have some serious problems here. But the LEOs who come to the meeting take it very seriously and offer excellent suggestions. I think every neighborhood should have one, if only for better community cohesion as people get to know each other over a common goal.
The police visit the fueding family 2-3x a week. The winos usually sit there and drink the whole time. We've got a neighborhood patrol that's a joke, old men with radios strutting around like MP's. So far, the biggest headaches the sexbot across the street, but I can tune it out by turning the tv up usually. I know I could live in a worse area, no gangs sitting on my porch, and I don't hear gunfire that often. I'm more venting and laughing at it all than anything else.
Claymore mines and a snipers rifle!
In my last neighborhood I shared a townhouse wall with domestically violent hardcore alcoholic white trash. Down the street was the 6' emotionally unbalanced teddy bear who thought I was his best friend; he'd dive bomb me with bear hugs every time he saw me. Did I mention he was the groundskeeper for my complex with access to everyone's keys? I was afraid to complain to the management because of that key access, so I avoided him as best I could.

Ultimately I solved that problem by moving to a new complex in a crack hood. It's next to an interstate, and right under the main flight path to the airport. I feel much better now.


No wonder you want to move!!

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