I seem to continually bruise the ever living heck out of my outer foot between the cubiod and the talus -- not as far forward as the metatarsals.
And when I say bruise the heck out of it .. I mean to the point where I can't walk on it for a day or two.
Any ideas on foot care to help this thing heal better beyond anti-inflamatories, ice, preassure wrap and rest?
As to how I do it continually ... i don't know .. it happens differently every time .. but It's always in the same spot.
This last time my side kick caught a nasty block. Not that it matters
And when I say bruise the heck out of it .. I mean to the point where I can't walk on it for a day or two.
Any ideas on foot care to help this thing heal better beyond anti-inflamatories, ice, preassure wrap and rest?
As to how I do it continually ... i don't know .. it happens differently every time .. but It's always in the same spot.
This last time my side kick caught a nasty block. Not that it matters