I Challenge YOU!

It depends on how it's done. A friendly or at least polite "Let's play" gets a friendly or at least polite "Sure. Throw down." or "Not today".

A bunch of guys show up at my school and disrupt class saying "We're here to beat you up and close you down if we don't think you're up to our standards" gets one of a couple replies.

The first is "You are trespassing. You have until the count of ten to get our or I'm calling the police. One. Nine..."

The second is something like "Person of African descent, with your permission!"

If there is a lot more of them than there are of me and I feel that they are going to attack one at a time or together I understand the laws concerning the use of deadly force in self defense. I also understand terms like "disparity of force", "immediate and otherwise unavoidable danger of death or serious bodily injury", and "defense of innocent third parties". In other words, if we're going to get serious we will get serious.
Well there's two ways of looking at it. Suppose a swat team surrounds a drug gang and do they do them all in with gun fire? They're heros right? Yes, but maybe they are assasins too? Now suppose we look at dueling in the 18th or 19th century? Someone is brave if they challenged another to a gun duel right? What if they knew they were much faster, and quicker than the other, and they killed them? Same could be said about fighters in death matches. You hand two people a gun and they play Russian Roulette over 1 Million dollars? The guy who won had guts right? Or was he a foolish bastard?
Myself, I like those wno save lives much more than needless killing. But thats just me.
It depends on how it's done. A friendly or at least polite "Let's play" gets a friendly or at least polite "Sure. Throw down." or "Not today".

A bunch of guys show up at my school and disrupt class saying "We're here to beat you up and close you down if we don't think you're up to our standards" gets one of a couple replies.

The first is "You are trespassing. You have until the count of ten to get our or I'm calling the police. One. Nine..."

The second is something like "Person of African descent, with your permission!"

If there is a lot more of them than there are of me and I feel that they are going to attack one at a time or together I understand the laws concerning the use of deadly force in self defense. I also understand terms like "disparity of force", "immediate and otherwise unavoidable danger of death or serious bodily injury", and "defense of innocent third parties". In other words, if we're going to get serious we will get serious.

I highlighted the key points I see hear. When you sit through classes concerning CCH/CCW you will come to the understanding of the terms highlitghted and some phrases like, "Imminent death or permanent bodily harm." This will cover you under the law if you need to use a firearm to stop a band of thugs from "running you out of town," while you are trying to impart your knowledge to your students.
We reserve the right to be barbaric here in the Midwest :viking3:. We still allow groin kicking in many of our tourneys.

But I'm a woman and to me that's really funny! Have you ever noticed in a comp/sparring etc if theres a groin strike ( accidental of course lol) all the men gasp in sympathy and the women start laughing?
Challenge matches to prove who is the better at what they do is a good way to improve what is done by individuals.
The idea of losing ones life in such a match seems a waste of life and talent to me. Better the match is to a mutual decided point of respect and that the loser admits defeat that day, so that he may challenge on another after more practice.
To die , kill, or permanently maim your opponent in such a match would mean that one or perhaps both would never be able to pass on their knowledge
Challenge matches to prove who is the better at what they do is a good way to improve what is done by individuals.
The idea of losing ones life in such a match seems a waste of life and talent to me. Better the match is to a mutual decided point of respect and that the loser admits defeat that day, so that he may challenge on another after more practice.
To die , kill, or permanently maim your opponent in such a match would mean that one or perhaps both would never be able to pass on their knowledge

There's always a chance that someone will show up to see how your steel is tempered. That's just how it is. But the scenarios people are pulling out of a past that may or may not have ever existed? A bunch of guys show up and say "We're going to make you fight us," or "First we're going to beat up your students one by one, then we're going to beat you up"? I have to get up and go to work in the morning. My students have lives and are not here to be extras in someone else's badly dubbed Kung Fu theater role play.

I would never ever say to my students "You there, go fight his guy" if they showed up uninvited. That would be unfair to the student and putting him or her at risk. But if the guys with the testosterone poisoning were a threat I might tell one of them to call the police because I would be busy.

Those of you with long memories might want to consider the Denver Dojo Wars and where they led. If anyone had acted like a grown up that whole ****ed up affair would have been over in hours. There would have been no innocent people murdered. Kids would not have been bushwhacked and sent to the hospital.
But I'm a woman and to me that's really funny! Have you ever noticed in a comp/sparring etc if theres a groin strike ( accidental of course lol) all the men gasp in sympathy and the women start laughing?
That'a because women are inherently evil.:lol:
Not a point I point out to often and I do not brag about those days, having been involved in some in this part of the country.
I will recall a point in my instructors past to all of you.
He taught in NY back in the late 50's and early 60's and there was a group a little distance away that he did not get along well with. Each week on a given day he and his student(s) would meet this other group and they would have a day of fighting (not sparring). At the end of the day they would retire to their respective areas and would train for the next week trying to figure out ways of beating each other.
Now a few might have ended up in the hospital with minor problems but all progressed in their learning and some how a mutual respect (may be not a like for each other but respect) came out of this for each other.
Technically these where challenge matches with a few rules and they benefited those that took part.
None of those involved claimed high rank or made up titles but all where strong fighters and not people to mess with

now this is not the same as those "death matches " we hear about but then again what is discrabed above is not enlarged by history and the passage of time
But I'm a woman and to me that's really funny! Have you ever noticed in a comp/sparring etc if theres a groin strike ( accidental of course lol) all the men gasp in sympathy and the women start laughing?

I know what you are saying, all to well.

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