I am Woman! Hear the sound of beer cans being crushed between my breasts!

Crushing can and hanging spoons sounds like a great place to be.

Whilst I might tut with the best of the 'Disgusted of Hemmel Hempsted' crowd at certain activities in public, to take legal action against someone for what amounts to no more than (can't resist the pun!) titilation shows a distinct lack of necessary humanity in some quarters.

If it was a hotel lobby full of kids and nuns then maybe a stern action for inappropriate behaviour might be called for, that's true. If people were fined for every instance of lascivious and ill-thought-through actions in bars ...

Whilst I might tut with the best of the 'Disgusted of Hemmel Hempsted' crowd at certain activities in public, to take legal action against someone for what amounts to no more than (can't resist the pun!) titilation shows a distinct lack of necessary humanity in some quarters.

If it was a hotel lobby full of kids and nuns then maybe a stern action for inappropriate behaviour might be called for, that's true. If people were fined for every instance of lascivious and ill-thought-through actions in bars ...

I would owe the state my entire career pay...forget about months base pay!
ROFL gentlemen - those posts almost sound like a cue to take up the call of "To the pub!" :D
I'm going to move to Australia!

"It sends a clear message to all licensees in Peel that we will not tolerate this type of behavior in our licensed premises," local police superintendent David Parkinson said.

David Parkingson? Sounds like Barney Fife to me. If this is the biggest threat to law and order in Canberra that makes two reason for me to move there, or is that three reasons?

Whilst I might tut with the best of the 'Disgusted of Hemmel Hempsted' crowd at certain activities in public, to take legal action against someone for what amounts to no more than (can't resist the pun!) titilationshows a distinct lack of necessary humanity in some quarters.

If it was a hotel lobby full of kids and nuns then maybe a stern action for inappropriate behaviour might be called for, that's true. If people were fined for every instance of lascivious and ill-thought-through actions in bars ...

This has never happened before in the 21st century, if mammary serves. But you deserve rep for that pun, S., and rep you shall have!
"If mammary serves!" Ha, that's another good pun. Now I've got that dang song going through my head..."Thaaaanks for the mammaries..":)
"If mammary serves!" Ha, that's another good pun. Now I've got that dang song going through my head..."Thaaaanks for the mammaries..":)

I wish you hadn't said that, Jeff... now I've got the bloody thing running around in my head! :erg:
Both of you stop it...LOL

I'll try, Drac... but if I fail, just remember: it's all Sukerkin's fault!

Fined for recycling. What a shame.

The problem is, did she actually deposit the... um...compressed can in the recycling bin? If not... it might wind up a littering offense on top of her indecency rap... though I think that anyone who can do what she did is displaying a very decent level of pectoral strength!

Seriously, though—c'mon, $900 for a tour de force like that?? A kid who tosses a brick through a window probably doesn't have to cough up anything like a grand as part of the plea bargain. My best guess is, Mr. Parkington has probably lived behind a desk since he was 21 and probably couldn't crush one of the bloody things using both hands; the poor sod was probably just jealous!
I'll try, Drac... but if I fail, just remember: it's all Sukerkin's fault!

His spirit came across the pond and forced you to type that terrible pun??