Hwa Yu Xingyi Liu He Ba Fa vs Zhang San Feng 13Taijiquan


White Belt
Has anyone ever considered the comparions between these two great arts? I know there's a lot of selfishness in the Kungfu world whereinas no one would ever think or admit that these two arts have common roots. LHBF was an early Taijiquan and as such many of the rules for Taiji actually come from Lee Dong Feng's poems. Also not to mention Zhang San Feng was a disciple of Huo Long aka Dragon Fire who was a disciple of Lee Dong Feng so that makes Zhang a member of the Chen Tuan Sect. How this link is lost is due to selfisness and politics of Taoists branches. The Dragon Sect which was a large sect took over Wudang after Zhang's disciple Zhang Song Xi died. Yet these two arts have more in common and they have some huge differences as well. Tomorrow I will give some of the similarities and differences I've encountered upon my journey of mastery. Buddha bless all!

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