Human Weapon - Marine Corp. Martial Arts Video Clip!

Hello, If you watch the Navy Seals, Special Forces and this video on the Marines?

You will see NO formal structure of any type of KATA'S. Actual training is the best way to learn, and to remember things at full power.

How you train is how you will actully fight!

I believe it is ON tonight on the history channel 7:30 pm Hawaii time, and repeats at 9:30PM. (Friday, Sept. 21, 2007) Channel 72 over here.

You are all invited to watch this at my home! Come early for a good seat.
Soda's and pupu's will be serve.

Third house on the right side of the road! (look for the house with broken doors, windows,etc...from training)

Third house on the right side of the road! (look for the house with broken doors, windows,etc...from training)


Yes! Haha! Aloha!

They don't call these "Devil Dogs" for nothing, there's no way I would want to be on the business end, NO. These guys might just start biting off ears and noses! I know a Marine, they have a strong mind.
I watched the show at 10:00 pm eastern time. It was very interesting and awe-inspiring to see how the marines train at Quantico. To see real-life training was an eye opening experience. It makes me even more proud of our men and women serving our country.

Bill (especially) and Jason were arrogant as usual. At the end Bill said, "We're one step closer to being the perfect human fighting machine. We're ready for any enemy." I guess we can all be a marine in 8 days, huh?
I've come to the conclusion that Human Weapon is a pretty good show despite the hosts, rather than because of them. Like you said, Bill especially. I've found that if I just tune him out, I'm not nearly as upset by the end of the show. And any time he's the one in the ring for the "final challenge", I just turn the show off at that point.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really can't stand Jason. His head is so big I'm suprised it fits on screen sometimes. He is very full of himself and has to remind you that he's an MMA fighter every fifteen minutes, it sort of brings down the show. But the places they go and the arts that they study are great.
Jason compares EVERY art to MMA.

Bill looks like he just doesn't belong and I just sit and wait for him to do something stupid to embarass himself which he always seems to do every week without fail

Man this show needs some new hosts. I tried to stick up for them in the beginning but now they have gotten on my nerves. Bill Duff is just out of place. I see Bill and think of one word....'Shrek'
Hello, What a job to have? To visit all the different types of fighting styles in the world.

A chance to train and learn from some the best Masters in the world.

Jason and Bill may not be the best, or entertaining host? But they are doing what many of us would like to do? Visit and train with many of the different martial arts of the world. Dream job!

Remember they are only spending one week per stay. A very short time.

Human weapon is giving us a snap shot of each fighting styles the world has to offer.

I am sure they could also spend a week in each country and it would take many years just to cover the fighting arts of each country.

At least we are learning about some arts and how they all seem to be alike?

Not wishing to play down the USMC, for whom I have nothing but respect, but that didnt really simulate battle conditions. More aggression required also.

Just my 00.2, no disrespect intended, I realise you cant just smash everyone up! I think the idea is a good one.
I enjoyed the show last night, but it wasn't my favorite. I, of course, enjoyed the karate episode (although that match at the end had MUCH to be desired) I haven't caught all of them...I missed several during the move to NY.

Not wishing to play down the USMC, for whom I have nothing but respect, but that didnt really simulate battle conditions. More aggression required also.

Just my 00.2, no disrespect intended, I realise you cant just smash everyone up! I think the idea is a good one.

I'm sure that no disrespect was perceived. I must ask, however, realizing that one can't just smash up everyone and expect them to be able to complete daily missions as you do, do you have any suggestions for how they could simulate battle conditions more effectively while not sacrificing the safety of the 18 and 19 year olds that they are training?

On the flip side, I have found that the system and training as a whole are far more suited to prepare the average marine for combat than the current Modern Army Combatives system that the US Army teaches. While they both have a component of BJJ, the MAC has more of a MMA flavor than unarmed killing/subduing of the enemy.

Sorry for the minor hijack...
Well I got tied up last night working so I was unable to watch the episode. Fortunately I taped it and will watch it this afternoon.

Thanks for everyones feedback on the thread so far.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really can't stand Jason. His head is so big I'm suprised it fits on screen sometimes. He is very full of himself and has to remind you that he's an MMA fighter every fifteen minutes, it sort of brings down the show. But the places they go and the arts that they study are great.

Jason who? does he have a fight record or does he just go on about being a fighter?
Hello, If you watch the Navy Seals, Special Forces and this video on the Marines?

You will see NO formal structure of any type of KATA'S. Actual training is the best way to learn, and to remember things at full power.

How you train is how you will actully fight!
You are correct, you do fight how you train, but do you think the above mentioned organizations are successful because they do not practice kata?

One the kids at our school is in his first year as a Marine. His platoon was going hand to hand against another platoon in some training exercise. After all of his buddies were done he took out the last five opponents by himself. They made him a BB in the MCMAP on the spot (in reality we made him a BB, the Marines simply recognized it). We practice kata, hard sparring, grappling, self defense, etc. I don't think his victory was due to any particular area of practice, but a compilation of the training we do. In this case I'd guess that all those kata reps helped him move efficiently/transition from opponent to opponent. If you find no value in training kata, perhaps you haven't learned how to train kata.
I must ask, however, realizing that one can't just smash up everyone and expect them to be able to complete daily missions as you do, do you have any suggestions for how they could simulate battle conditions more effectively while not sacrificing the safety of the 18 and 19 year olds that they are training?

Just wrote a huge reply about pressure etc but closed my browser by accident! Nightmare.

Suffice to say, aggression is absolutely fundamental, there just didnt seem to be enough in that video.

The British Army uses milling (among other methods) for developing controlled agression.

There is no blocking, no nice technique and if you dont display enough aggression you fail. It doesnt matter if you lose as long as you give it everything. It's great.


A brief video on P company, if that has piqued your interest!:
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This is almost what I was after, I've seen footage somewhere the guy actually breaks off his bayonet.

Its taken all day to get the blokes really wound up and angry.
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