Human Weapon - Krav Maga Clip!

Terry did you see the Krav Maga episode? I am surprised because I thought it had not aired yet.
Terry did you see the Krav Maga episode? I am surprised because I thought it had not aired yet.

Yes Brian or at least I thought it was Krav Maga that is the Russian Art right. I could be mistaken, I've seen alot of them already, what was it last week then if not Krav Maga. Sorry:erg: was informed by the power to be it was silat last week my bad. :rofl:
Yes Brian or at least I thought it was Krav Maga that is the Russian Art right. I could be mistaken, I've seen alot of them already, what was it last week then if not Krav Maga. Sorry:erg: was informed by the power to be it was silat last week my bad. :rofl:

What I saw on Saturday was Savate the French martial art. I looked for awhile to find the whole schedule but I was unsuccessful yet I did find when Krav Maga is airing: !

I liked the Savate episode and this Friday it looks to be Judo and Jiujitsu so that should be interesting as well.
What I saw on Saturday was Savate the French martial art. I looked for awhile to find the whole schedule but I was unsuccessful yet I did find when Krav Maga is airing: !

I liked the Savate episode and this Friday it looks to be Judo and Jiujitsu so that should be interesting as well.

That is what it was I'm a dumbass :nuke: when it come to certain things like remembering what I saw, But I still remember your name Ralph
The Krav Maga episode was nice and I think that anyone interested in this art will appreciate it. Try and catch it on reruns if you can.
I enjoyed the episode but was surprised that the hosts kept insisting that some fairly basic techniques and principles were unique to Krav Maga. Many of the drills, especially the knife defenses, were first taught to me in the 70s.
I enjoyed the episode but was surprised that the hosts kept insisting that some fairly basic techniques and principles were unique to Krav Maga. Many of the drills, especially the knife defenses, were first taught to me in the 70s.

Mark on that you are absolutely correct in that many of these techniques are found in other systems. However the hosts just do not know any better based on their limited experience with combative martial systems.
Mark on that you are absolutely correct in that many of these techniques are found in other systems. However the hosts just do not know any better based on their limited experience with combative martial systems.

I thought this show was good. There were issues or problems though. Some mentioned about the commonalities that seem to be in multiple systems or by multiple cutures that try to address a problem or situation.

My issue was the initial demo. the lead instructor did the "Prison Shanking" stabbing to show how little they knew, and then when it was demonstrated on him they did not give the same level of attack. While I agree that the two hand action and attack/block action can cause a delay and or allow for room, it does not stop the committed person. the person willing to get stabbed back and or get hurt. Now, I have been working this issue for years I have no solution and not been able to find one from anyone else. There are many things that work against some, or work sometimes, but I have not found one technique nor drill that I can get to work consistently for all who try. I do understand that it was covered about the forearm cutting versus the torso cutting, but I still have problems with a mentality that a person can survive this type of knife attack. I know I have been lucky in life. I know that others have survived knife attacks. Maybe the level of skill of the attacker and the commitment has not been there to show. I have worked with groups and in tight formations and I get stabbed or cut. Of course I can take many with me or take many out before someone gets into to me. But that one committed person who willing to die, to get his attack or to allow someone else to get the attack, is very difficult to address. There are skill sets that help. I agree that an approach to thsoe skill sets was discussed and or demonstrated. One on one, I know it would be difficult to stop me from cutting someone. If I was the second attacker to allow the other person for distraction, I find it very difficult that a serious assault did not occur and or more points scored during the final demonstration.

As I stated before I think the show is good overall to get people interested in history of an art or to try a system or art out. But, it is not helping with the presentation. Even if I give the "hosts" the benefit of the doubt, and put the final show in the "editors" hands, and say that key bits of information are on the cutting room floor. I have to wonder, even with this benefit of the doubt if the benefit of the show out weighs the "presentation" issues?

*** Steps off the soap box ***

I enjoyed the episode but was surprised that the hosts kept insisting that some fairly basic techniques and principles were unique to Krav Maga. Many of the drills, especially the knife defenses, were first taught to me in the 70s.

Wow! What an incredible martial art!!! To block and strike at the same time?!?!?!?! Can one really do such a thing?!?!?! Who'd a thunk!?!?!?!?! It's gotta be up there with Ninjas walking on water.


Ok, I liked it alright and found this episode interesting, but the hosts are getting more annoying with each episode.
Wow! What an incredible martial art!!! To block and strike at the same time?!?!?!?! Can one really do such a thing?!?!?! Who'd a thunk!?!?!?!?! It's gotta be up there with Ninjas walking on water.

I think there was even a comment in there about this being the only art that combines simultaneous blocks and attacks.
I think there was even a comment in there about this being the only art that combines simultaneous blocks and attacks.

Wow! What an incredible martial art!!! To block and strike at the same time?!?!?!?! Can one really do such a thing?!?!?! Who'd a thunk!?!?!?!?! It's gotta be up there with Ninjas walking on water.

LOL ... no kidding! Like this was so amazing! ... foolishness I tell you ... LOL

I'm not talking down Krav Maga, it is a good, combative art. But the researchers of the show should do a bit more investigation before making silly comments such as were on the show.

BTW: I enjoyed watching the show nonetheless
I give credit tothe producers of the show for trying to show many of the arts and a little of their history, however some of the comments made by the stars should have been left on the cutting floor
What shocks me is how these two "professional fighters" can know so LITTLE about martial arts in general. I mean, spend an hour on this website and you can easily learn a great deal about the styles that they present.....and prevent some of the horrible uninformed comments that they make on a regular basis.

Also....I fail to believe that after a few training sessions, they can stand against masters of the style....that is, without the masters being told or paid to take it VERY easy on them. The Krav Maga challenge was one of the better ones in my opinion.
Also....I fail to believe that after a few training sessions, they can stand against masters of the style....that is, without the masters being told or paid to take it VERY easy on them. The Krav Maga challenge was one of the better ones in my opinion.

In at least one of the episodes, we're told that over the course of a week, the host will "master" a particular art. I've been training for 31 years and I have yet to "master" anything. I've got a better than average grip on some basics but the idea of mastering even one style is beyond me, let alone, a different style every week.

Maybe I'm getting hung up on phrases and wordage too much but I think that tossing around "master" and "totally unique, found nowhere else" are the initial steps leading to the martial arts in general being so misunderstood.

On the whole, I'm enjoying the show but my wife has learned to leave the den when it comes on. Seems I spend way too much time yelling, "Bull ****!" at the tv screen for her peace of mind.:)