

Orange Belt
Jan 21, 2009
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Just signed up after wanting to post on one of the threads about the Weapon Masters TV show. Thought I'd look the place over...

I'm a 62-year old police officer who's been "involved" in the martial arts since childhood. I recall picking up some creaky old black-and-white book on "ju-jitsu" written by a British Colonial type back in the late 40s.... That was when I was in grade school.
There wasn't much in the way of formal instruction here in the Midwest back then, I worked out of whatever books I could find and the occasional TV show that profiled one art or the other.
Went into the army in '65, then into police work in '68. Got involved with TKD long enough to earn a brown belt, but then the style got almost completely geared towards competition.
If I couldn't use it on the street...

Went into JKD/FMA in a fairly large way for some years. However, the legal climate around police work and "defensive tactics" has changed wildly since then. I took the PPCT (Pressure Point Control Tactics) instructor's course about 10 years ago, and realized that if I used most of the techniques I'd practiced over many years now, I could be indicted....

That's an interesting discussion all on it's own.

Now, as a 60+ year old with increasingly wonky knees, I don't do a lot of physical training. I have "tools"..... Still interested in the art and science of the martial arts in general.
Greetings brother LEO and Welcome to MT........