Howdy from Houston


Yellow Belt
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Name is Nate, live in Houston TX, Married with Children and oh yea and a proud Christian. I studied TKD back in the 80's (ATA) but quit and now at 34 got my kids started and I am back at it. I just made yellow belt in May. We go to an independent school which for the most part follows ITF. Looking forward to hanging out and learning all I can.

Welcome Nate, may I ask who you are studing under or the name of the school. I know just about every TKD guy down there.
Welcome aboard, Nate. Howdy is exactly what I would expect someone from Houston to say. Enjoy!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes.

Welcome Nate, may I ask who you are studing under or the name of the school. I know just about every TKD guy down there.

I study under Master Jason Cho of Cho's Taekwondo of Houston, located in NW Houston. Do you know this school?
Thanks for all the warm welcomes.

I study under Master Jason Cho of Cho's Taekwondo of Houston, located in NW Houston. Do you know this school?

If you are talking about the one in Cooperfield and he has an instructor named Jeff Naron than yes I do
If you are talking about the one in Cooperfield and he has an instructor named Jeff Naron than yes I do

Yeap that is the one, if you don't mind me asking how do you know them?
Yeap that is the one, if you don't mind me asking how do you know them?

Master Giambi, the Lopez family man you are in the hotbed for TKD clubs. We all know each other so it is just one of those things. Stay in the Arts for forty plus years.