How will you be remembered?


Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
San Jose California
So a recent death has me watching my other family members attack an estate. However that got me to thinking about the other family members and what I might like to remember them by.

It occured to me that I have no idea what people would want of mine. I just have no concept of what other people see as defining charactstics they would want to be reminded of.

So how do you all think you will be remembered? What objects to do you own that help define the type of person you are?

Too Morbid? Mortality I guess makes us look to see what our legacy is.
I teach special ed (learning disabled, speech/language processing deficits, emotional disorders, etc) in a middle school. This particular piece - trite as is may be - guides how I teach, and is how (I hope) I will be remembered.

100 Years from Now

One hundred years from now
It will not matter what kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much money I had in my bank account,
Nor what my clothes looked like.
But one hundred years from now
The world may be a little better
Because I was important
In the life of a child.
~Author Unknown

So a recent death has me watching my other family members attack an estate. However that got me to thinking about the other family members and what I might like to remember them by.

It occured to me that I have no idea what people would want of mine. I just have no concept of what other people see as defining charactstics they would want to be reminded of.

So how do you all think you will be remembered? What objects to do you own that help define the type of person you are?

Too Morbid? Mortality I guess makes us look to see what our legacy is.

An episode of Little House On the Prarie (my step-mother's favorite) dealt with this topic. Charles had a friend of his die in his arms from a heart attack and then saw how people basically remembered (or didn't remember) him. It got him motivated to do something to leave behind a legacy so he started creating hand crafted tables and they did well until some smarmy type stole his design and started selling it for less. Little did Charles know that his tables would sell for hundreds at an auction decades later, mainly because he left his mark on the underside of the table.

I dunno what legacy I'd leave behind. Obvioulsy my biggest will be within the world of caves and caving. I've trained hundreds of people in the basics of and made many friends. Recently my (Utah caving friends) held a memorial for a fellow caver/friend who was killed (motorcycle accident) 10 years ago. Tears were still shed after all this time and fond memories brought to the fore. His parents and widow were moved that we still gathered to remember this young man after 10 years when none of the other groups he was involved with did. :idunno: I like to think that maybe they'll do the same for me someday.

Martial Arts wise? You folks here; those of you who have become my family and friends... I would like to think that ya'll would remember me for my little nuggets of feedback and (sometimes quirky sense) humor (IT'S A TRAP!!) ...

It's hard to be humble when talking about this isn't it? heh...
It is I'd say... other than I'm so oblivious I have no idea :)

My GF and a few other people said my one greatest quality is generosity. I wonder how that is represented in their memories.

I guess what is important to us is not what people will see as important to them about us.

Strangely Buddah got to do this while he was still alive. He went out and put all his possessions (or so the story goes) and let his friends take what they would to remember him by.
I just hope I WILL be remembered.
That Xue was one bad mother... shut your mouth... I'm just talking about Xue :)

To be entirely honest, I can think of many reasons why I hope I am not remembered at all.

And zDom beat me to my first answer
You know, I want to die in church. At least people will be at my funeral. You know its funny, I like zDom just want someone to remember me. I hope I have made an impact on someone just enough in the positive side to be remembered.
I'm pretty sure I'll be remembered, but not for anything I'm proud of. I suspect my pride in things I've done well will go with me when I go. Largely, I try to live by that "don't let the right hand know what the left is doing" thing, and to do the right thing for no other purpose than it's the right thing to do, and you gotta pick sides.

I pull over to help old ladies change tires, and leave without letting them say 'thank you'. I've driven 500 miles to help a friend grieve a loss, then told him I was fine when I wasn't...I didn't do it for a return favor. So the few decent accomplishments I've done will remain close to the chest, and go with me when I go.

But my creditors will remember me. As the guy they relentlessly hunted down, even after he was gone. Gotta ringing again...
I am kind of the belief of many others, I just want to be remembered. I think now if I was to be gone and discussed I would be remembered as a good compassionate person by those who know me...I would like in my life to have more of an impact in the world and I have tried a number of different ways to do so and haven't found the right area to make my contribution, but I will one day...
In a houndred year I hope they will say I was and honest and dedicated man to my style and to my family and friends.

I can only hope that I would be honor enough for that to be said about me, in all serious though I will not be remember for anything.
I dunno. I hope my oldest will remember me as someone who fought with him and for him. I hope my daughter remembers me as someone who raised her a little better than I was raised. I hope my youngest will remember that we can be strong and loving at the same time, and when it's okay to spend a little money. I hope my husband remembers that I tried. And I hope others remember me by knowing they don't have to be perfect to change their lives and make their children's world better and that giving up isn't often the answer.

But I hope the loss of me will not heartbreak anyone so much they cannot carry on and face the wind. After all, I'm still just one person of billions.
If I'm remembered, I hope its for being a good friend/companion that was when I was needed.
I've proved some difficult results in my field. No one will remember me; they may remember those results, for a while anyway.
Cop, Actor ,Disc Jockey, Harley Rider....
After the deaths of my mom and dad, I thought about it a lot...

I decided,

I won't care, I'll be dead. I really I hope people party, and dont mourn. But I won't be around to care.
... [snip]

I won't care, I'll be dead. I really I hope people party, and dont mourn. But I won't be around to care.

You said it. I wont care, and I dont expect those who know me to take it as some big thing.