How to start a TKD club and anyone at this University?


Yellow Belt
Hey guys,

I've recently started attending the University Of South Carolina at Columbia and there is no TKD team here. We have a BJJ club as well as an Aikido club so I feel it's definitely possible to start a TKD club as well. I'm currently training for competition so having partners would be ideal.

My question to you guys are:

1) Anyone attend here as well and would be interested? If so comment here or message me!
2) Does anyone have experience with this task and have any tips?

2) Does anyone have experience with this task and have any tips?

I only recently set up a club (a couple of years ago). My tips would be - speak to the hall owners/building manager and find out how much to use the hall you want. Find out minimum contract term and talk to them saying you are opening a new club, so what are the options for if it doesn't work out (i.e. will you be stuck for a year's hall hire fees). Work out from the hire fee (+ other expenses) to how much you want to charge each student based on a minimal but reasonable amount of students. Buy Sang H Kim's book called something like instructor manual, it's got loads of great tips in there (quite a few for full time dojang owners, but most are applicable to part time clubs in other-use halls as we are).

My senior student wants to set up a club in a nearby university too, but he hasn't convinced himself to go for it yet.

Good luck.
Check with your student activities program or intramural athletics programs. They'll probably be able to help you, and I'm sure that the school has a procedure for forming a new club. If you use it, they'll support you and you'll have a much better chance of success. And may not have to, for example, pay for the space...
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm going to talk to the Club Sports Office and see what they say. I really want to get this going, at the same time I don't want to have a half *** class that I basically have to attend lol. I'll definitely look into that book as well.

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