how to get quicker


White Belt
hey everyone, ive been training in muay thai for 6 months now, i want to get quicker on my feet and throw quicker punches, in the past month ive been doing alot of interval training which is good for endurance and all, but what can i do myself at the gym or at home that will get me quicker? i go to the gym 4 - 5 times a week and train in muay thai about 3 times a week, i really love the sport and want to get better at it so i can compete next year, thanks alot everyone!
Do exercises with resistance bands. Tie it up around pole and you run away from it and back. Put band around your shoulders and do punches. Search Net for accelerating strength.
Bands are great and extremely useful. Shadow boxing with 1-2 pound weights can help punching speed. Also, try plyometric push-ups, they have a great carry over effect on your punches. The best thing you can do is practice and train. Once you have perfected the techniques, especially kicking, you'll be amazed at how your speed increases.
Try now and then to practice throwing your techniques very slowly and work on getting smoothness by finding where you have excess or too little tension with-in the technique. Often people rely on speed to make up for poor timing which is ok while young and fast but as you age or get injured or fatigued your speed can rapidly decrease so I strongly recommend that timing drills and exercises not be ignored. Have fun and good luck.

Brian King

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