How often do you change out your old dobak?

How often to replace the dobak?

  • After one year

  • After 3 years

  • I don't

  • Just whenever I see the need.

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Senior Master
Jun 2, 2004
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I was wondering, what is the ideal time to change it out? I've been doing TKD for a few years now, but after numerous washings it's changed. It's changed by either shrinking, getting irremovable stains, or worn spots. In other words, do you start replacing them after a certain length of time?
I selected whenever I see the need to. It's also helpful to have more than one, so you can always make sure that you have a clean one! Just my thoughts. Anyone else?
I generally have several available: 1 that's in good (new or nearly new) condition for events (tournaments, testings, etc.), 1 for teaching (when it's no longer quite new enough for events), and several for working out (when they start to look like they've been washed too many times).
usually the elastic starts to go in the waist band and the top gets kind of thin/ see through thanks to numerous washings - THEN its time for it to be disposed of. Its kind of weird I've held onto dobaks that are 9 or 10 years old - they sit, washed and folded in the closet 'cuz I don't want to toss them but they are too threadbare to be used again.
Our school only wears them on special occasions (tournaments, when traveling abroad), so...once I actually get good enough to partake in any of those (LOL) I see myself replacing mine as soon as they show signs of wear. What I wear to class is another long as it doesn't look disrespectful.
I never really noticed until recently. In the past, I've worn several during a give week. In the last year, I've only had one that I wear regularly. It'd just starting to show wear, now. I have a "dress uniform" that I wear for special occasions: but not often. I just bought 2 more dobok to rotate through in the next year.
Geeze, if the uniform is old, get rid of it, the same with the belt. There is nothing worse than some old fat person with a worn uniform and a frayed belt trying to tell the world that he/she is a master because all of their uniforms and equipment if so old. That is just sad, and a little ewww too. It always amazes me how many people tell me that their rank and the color of their belt does not mean anything and yet they wear stuff that Goodwill wouldn't touch. I do include WTF TKD masters and players in this. So............ stop it and grow up. If you want people to know you are a master then act like one. The old faded belt and uniform won't make you one, only you will.
Geeze, if the uniform is old, get rid of it, the same with the belt. There is nothing worse than some old fat person with a worn uniform and a frayed belt trying to tell the world that he/she is a master because all of their uniforms and equipment if so old. That is just sad, and a little ewww too. It always amazes me how many people tell me that their rank and the color of their belt does not mean anything and yet they wear stuff that Goodwill wouldn't touch. I do include WTF TKD masters and players in this. So............ stop it and grow up. If you want people to know you are a master then act like one. The old faded belt and uniform won't make you one, only you will.

I agree with you that especially WTF dobok look terrible when they've been worn too long. Some traditional-style dobok can look ok when well worn, but not most. As far as worn belts, I go back & forth on that one. If it's naturally worn (& not altered) I think it's fine. I still think it's funny when I see a early 20-something 4th Dan & think to myself, "I've got black belts that I occasionally still wear that are older than you." But you are right sir, it ain't the belt that makes ya what you are.
Its kind of weird I've held onto dobaks that are 9 or 10 years old - they sit, washed and folded in the closet 'cuz I don't want to toss them but they are too threadbare to be used again.

I have one that definitely needs to be replaced—have had it from my first TKD class four years ago—but for some reason, like you, I'm too fond of it to ditch them. Can't figure that one out... I have another one that I just use for workouts on my own. But the one I wear to my dojang... like you, I'll probably wind up retiring it to a quiet corner of some closet some day, out of sentimental attachment. Strange, but there it is ...
As often as I need it to be chamged, I mean I still have my first one it just does not fit anymore thats all.
I "retire" a uniform when it gets to be too thin/thread-bare. If you can see through it, then it's time. Like Wade, I think one has to be presentable-in my other life, I wear suits. If a suit is fraying, it is time to get rid of it. Would you go to an accountant, lawyer, or doctor whose suit is fraying?

I rotate uniforms and purchase about one or two a year. I rarely throw an old one out just move it to the not used as much grouping. Personally I like to have three to five that I regularly use and then another large group in the not worn so often area. I only throw them out if they tear, shrink or are unsightly. Otherwise I just rotate them and by doing this they can last a long, long time.
I never throw out my old belts, I have white, yellow and green tip sitting in a drawer in my room. I'm going to keep them all I think.

They are the confirmation of hardwork, pain and sweat so I can't let them go. Yes I know it is only coloured cloth, but they do represent something.

As for the uniform, I've been training a year and it hasn't shown any signs of wear aside from the fading of the school emblem.
I don't put a time limit on when to replace a dobok. If it's worn out and falling apart then I replace it regardless of how old or new it is. That said, it's still hard for me to part with some of my years old doboks, especially that one ribbed material adidas dobok that isn't made anymore. It's really nice and comfortable to wear, like a pair of PJs. It's hard to dump that one.
I figure, if it looks nasty, ditch it and get a new one.
Generally I have a few, a workout one, a general one and on that's a bit on the better end for those times when the ranks want me to look snazzy.

Kind of brings me back to a fun statment from the yesterdays of my training... 'dont' bleed on this one, it's my good uniform' heh.

Hell, It won't be _me_ bleeding on it sir :)

Hehe. Seriously though, it's appearances, if it looks bad, get a new one.
I've not been around long enough to need a new one but when it comes to it, I shall dump the old one, or turn it into car cleaning rags and buy a new one with no heartache. My belts are worth more to me for sentimental reasons, the only reason I might hang on to an old Dobuk is through sheer lazyness. I might keep the badges though and put them in a scrap book along with my certificates (which I'm not allowed to hang on the wall).
I have a couple of gis that are in good shape, but they've changed colors to a dingy yellow thanks to all the sweating I've done while wearing them. I always wash my uniforms after class and hang them up to dry, so they are well cared for, but I've tried vinegar/baking soda soaks without any luck. Even OxyClean didn't help.

So, I guess these are going into the trash. What a shame, as they are perfectly wearable other than the unappetizing color.
Because my husband hates me doing TKD and is against me displaying anything to do with it, says it looks "messy". I think he feels threatened by it.