How Much Would Playing Cue Sports Like Billiards and Pool Help With Spear Fighting?


Orange Belt
Since people have mentioned online that they learned kick techniques from soccer and tackles from football and even go as far saying that playing Tennis helped with swordfighting and baseball with bat and club and stick fighting, I'm inspired to ask this.

Would playing pool and billiards and other similar cue sports aid a lot in spear fighting (in particular with the common "slide the spear forward on your front arm using your rear arm" attack?)?

I mean after all people in bars use billiard sticks all the time in brawls so I wonder if experienced streetfighters have developed a subconscious instinct of using techniques similar to spear fighting when attacking with thrusts and stabs?

People who play cue sports and practise martial arts or been to to their share of bar fights (preferably if you have experience in all 3), what hot take can you give on this?
I think pool cue fighting is mostly a Hollywood thing. They're too fragile to be really useful. The very few patients I can recall who were hit with cues had minor injuries, and the cues were swung, not thrust.

So I think the answer to your question is no.
Unequivocally no. Pool/billiards has a particular type of finesse equal to high level golf competition. The grip of a cue is particular to pool/billiards, as is the single most important thing in pool/billiards - your stroke. Stroke is described as "The movement made by your cueing arm as it moves to contact the cue ball. You need a smooth stroke that moves the cue ball straight on every shot."
Then you have your non dominant hand bridging in various ways to hold the front part of the pool cue in a secure, but relaxed method.

If anything, too much pool or billiard playing would probably be detrimental to spear fighting.

I spent far too many years in a pool hall. Several years of all day, all night, every single day. The pool hall I spent the majority of that time in later became a dojo of mine.

The reason I completely stopped playing pool was a much more fun sickness took over, Martial Arts. Yeah, baby.
As someone who practices a spear method, my take on it is also a definite no. I see few parallels in Billiards and spear, from the grip on the shaft and the delivery of technique, to the dimensions of the weapon itself. Just because a billiard cue is a ā€œstickā€, does not mean it functions similar to a spear.
In all my time in rowdy bars there was only one incident with a pool cue. The heavy-end of the cue was used to strike the head. It resulted in an immediate knockout and the sound was sickening. Otherwise, I am in agreement with everybody else.
Yeah Iā€™d agree with others
There is a method of thrusting with long weapons that kinda resembles snooker, but only in passing. The grips are different and the core skills like using your footwork and body to generate power in the thrust are nothing like snooker

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