How much does upperbody throw frequency go down in Freestyle Wrestling as opposed to Greco Roman?

Alan Smithee

Blue Belt
Nov 22, 2019
Reaction score
I've read that it goes down by quite a bit, to the point that a Freestyler would get whooped easily if he ever stepped into Greco Roman rule sets against a Greco Roman. Are leg takedowns really that much of a spoiler? Upperbody throws just never comes up?
Yeah but we are talking the difference between using double/single legs and not using them.
The problem for leg takedown is when you do that, your opponent can put his weigh on top of you and crash you down to the ground. The upper body control throw won't have that issue. But the upper body control throw requires "leg skill" that beginner may not have.
The problem for leg takedown is when you do that, your opponent can put his weigh on top of you and crash you down to the ground. The upper body control throw won't have that issue.

This isn't a thread about pros and cons.
It goes down by exactly 14.374%.

The thing is if I could be bothered to find the statistics I am pretty confident that the double and single would account for most of the successful throws in freestyle.

Where you can't do them in Roman Greco.
The thing is if I could be bothered to find the statistics I am pretty confident that the double and single would account for most of the successful throws in freestyle.

Where you can't do them in Roman Greco.

No shortage of throws here